2012 Miracle Yearbook

Brock to theRock,Lawlorpalooza,andMan Week - all waysforCedarvilleguysto be"men"and buildfriendships. V The men ofLawlor Hall battle in a tug-o-war contest while spectators—mainly women from Printy—cheer them on during Lawlorpalooza. v ' " ' CO hatdo you get when you mix video games, caffeine, and a couple hundred young men together in one large building? Nothing other than Cedarville University's men's residence halls,ofcourse. That's not to say that the men's halls were composed only of these elements. Men's residence life at Cedarville also had every- thing a guy needed to succeed holistically in college. A quick trip through campus would show any observant visitor this fact. In Lawlor, one would find units full of tight-knit groups of sixteen guys, unified under a strong resident assistant. A trip to Brock would yield some upperclassmen of the university, arranged in a hall style. At McChesney,St. Clair,Rickard,the Hill,and more, one would encounter men of Christ working and playing—living life together in community."Men's residence life is very strong overall," reminisced Jon Musser, a 2011 Pre-Seminary graduate and former RA."I think the most important thing that can be done is to develop real relationships in a genuine community. The tendency to over-spiritualize is not a bad thing, but it's more important to be real." Real relation- ships in genuine community were the goal. The Student Life Deans,Resident Directors, Assistants,and studentslived up to that goal consistently. One event held every year that epitomized the community ofthe residence halls was Man Week in Rickard. During this week, men were challenged physically (multiple Chipotle burritos, anyone?), but they were also taught how to be godly men. Life and relationship building events like this one demonstrated the efforts of RAs and RDs to help the men of Cedarville grow in more ways than one.