2014 Miracle Yearbook

SPECIAL GUESTS Though the new semester kicked off with a snow day, the missions conference went on without a hitch. Nathan Lino, pastor of Northeast Houston Baptist Church, was the featured speaker for the week. Other missions conference speakers included Gracia Burnham and Bill Petite. Despite the bitter cold of the first few months of the semester, the University family came together in chapel to listen to teaching and testimony from many others. Authors Bob and Dannah Gresh, both Cedarville alumni, held the stage and read God’s Word. Cedarville legends Dr. Paul Dixon and Dr. David Jeremiah made appearances as well. 1. Nathan Lino, a pastor from Texas, is the featured speaker at the missions conference. 2. Dr. David Jeremiah dedicates the Cedarville edition of the Jeremiah Study Bible. 3. Missionaries from around the world bow in prayer as the missions conference begins. 4. Gracia Burnham shares the Word and her story with students.