2014 Miracle Yearbook

ELLIV What is in the mysterious case? It was a question that plagued the minds of students in the weeks leading up to Elliv 2014. The answer? Well, only the coolest Elliv to date - so cool, even Bond himself would have approved. Students displayed their many talents throughout the evening, whether through song, dance, hosting, or playing an electric guitar behind their head. With acts ranging from a mellow rendition of Katy Perry’s “Roar” to a show-stopping performance of Aerosmith’s “Dream On,” Elliv lived up to its legacy as the biggest, loudest, most exciting show of the year. 1. Scotty Dykstra performs Macklemore's “Can't Hold Us.’’ 2. Heidi Dayton makes good use of the runway, performing “Done” by The Band Perry. 3. This year’s hosts for the night are Heather Wismer and Ben Lenox. 4. Four students dressed as trophies — this year's costume winners — stand post outside the DMC before the festivities begin. 5. Abby Butts performs Whitney Houston's “ I Wanna Dance with Somebody.”