2015 Miracle Yearbook

10 j HOMECOMING WE ARE JACKETS Sandra Entner was a new Christian when she came to Cedarville in the 1950s. Jeff Beste came as a student. then as an RD. and eventually as the Director of Alumni. and never left. Murray Murdoch has bee·n teaching at Cedarville for fifty years. What do all these people have in common? They will proclaim, with enthusiasm, that they are Jackets. This year's Homecoming theme reflected the shared heritage of alumni throughout the ages. With all the old favorites - the Homecoming Parade, the Cardboard Canoe Race. CU By the Lake (held in the Field House this year. due to rain) - Homecoming included a few new events as well. like the Acoustic Fire/Interruption Throwback. Barbecue Tailgate. and a Fireworks Show to close out the weekend. Alumni enjoyed reliving Jackets sporting events. seeing the fall play, and catching up with old friends and former professors. Homecoming 2014 attracted over 1.000 people. making it one of the biggest events of the year. Talk about school spirit!