2015 Miracle Yearbook

58 MIRACLE YEARBOOK STAFF Cynthia Messer Faculty Advisor Cyndi is an associate professor of English and has been the faculty advisor for yearbook for fifteen years. She teaches composition. literature. grammar. a nd methods courses. She is the program coordinator for t he AYALA major and enjoys working with future English teachers . She a lso enjoys spending time with her three children a nd husband of twenty years. David Wright Editor-in-Chief David is a senior information technology management major from Fremont. NH. This is his second year working with the Miracle Yearbook as Editor-in– Chief. He has enjoyed the privilege of working with an extremely talented staff and would like to thank his editors and the rest of the Yearbook staff for their hard work this year. Alissa Shinn Administrative Assistant Alissa is a junior Adolescent/ Young Adult Language Arts Major from Chatsworth. New Jersey. This is her second year working with the Miracle Yearbook Staff. Alissa hopes to use her experience with the yearbook in her future work as a hig h school English teacher. Courtney Raymond Copy Editor Courtney is a senior applied communications major from Salem. OH. This is her second year as copy editor. Courtney enjoys stories in a ll forms. writing. and being involved in theatre. Someday she hopes to teach at a university. publish some poems. and perhaps be a librarian. She is incredibly grateful for Jenn Langton and all her hard work as copy assistant. courtneyraymond.wordpress. com Peyton Green Layout Assistant Peyton is a sophomore graphic design major from Lewes. Delaware. He is an avid air breather and coffee taster. He also loves being creative and designing. both of which he gets to do in yearbook. He is thankful for the opportunity to work on yearbook and is looking forward to continuing to work for them next year. Maitland Gray Layout Editor Mait is a senior graphic design major and web design and marketing minor from Hudson. Ohio. His second year working with the yearbook staff has been a great experience. Layout design is an area that he has always enjoyed. He would like to pass on the role of layout editor to Peyton Greene and thank him for all his work on the yearbook. Jennifer Langton Copy Assistant Jen is a senior social work major from Cadillac. Michigan. She loves writing and making peopl~ smile and how she can do both of those through the yearbook. She has loved working as Copy Editor Assistant with Courtney for the past two years and is looking forward to her future after graduation. shoutforhisglory.blogpost.com