2016 Miracle Yearbook

Mission Conference The annual Mi sion onferen e bring the edarvill e ommunity together a a reminder of the great, deep need for the relief, pea e, and love of od in the world. Mi s ionaries and organiza tion ame to speak to tudent ab ut th ir work and the pportu111 ti they hav to bring the go pel and G d' love t the nati n . David Platt, pre ident of th Int rnati nal Mi i n ard, pl ead d the great urgen y Fi r hri ti an t har th g p l with the d p rate world that needs it and r mind d th e li\t ning tlut ther are som in th world wh hav never h ard about th great l v and ar th L rd ha Fi r th m. Harry b rt, R b Turn r, tt u n fi rd al mi~~ion c mf r ,n l ' 1)