2016 Miracle Yearbook

26 Juruor eruor 1 unior =S=en=1=·o=r=======:;: Junior enior is one of the seniors' "last hoo– rahs" before graduation. Hosted by the Junior class, thi event allows both juniors and senior to enjoy a night of dancing and fun away from campus and honors the senior before they leave. This year tudents traveled to Cincinatti, to have a night under the stars going along with the theme, Stellar. Students flooded the dance floor, as well as participated in other activities, like eating out beforehand, taking photo in the photo– booth, or just hanging out with a big group of friends. Seniors were able to enjoy one more event with their class before the realne s of gradua- . . t10n set m. They were able to let loose on the dance floor and indulge in count- le s activities, while creating priceless memo– rie in the meantime.