2016 Miracle Yearbook

Nearly every Friday, students can look forward to what promi es to be an interesting hapel, led by the Student overnment Asso iation. hi s yea r' A team con i ted of a host of valued tudent that made ea h hapel 04 happen, including President Matt Pound , Vice Pre ident Kri ten ay , and GA hap– lain teve lark. Be au e of the h ard worl , rea tivi ty, and dedi ation from a h p r n within A, tudent were able t SGA both laugh with and learn from all of the vanou torie and me ag bar d . A– th group that pr ided fun an I fell w hip t dar ill Uni er it ' tudent b d - lefinit I made thi y ar n to r memb r. 01 Rahul Jacob and Patrick Holman k p things light-hear ted in the SGA offic . 02 SGA staff get pre– pared for Mi sion Impossible. Campu Christma i 03 one of th bes t events all year. 04 SGA put on a great Homecoming Court during Homecoming. OS SGA president, Matt Pow1ds loves Tri tan' pumpkin hat.