2016 Miracle Yearbook

01 o_ Q_ Z.1 h H r t g t ready unpa k a new tu- d nt· Yan. 0-l tt t phen greet fam1lie monng tu- d nt mt Lawlor Hall. 0 - w and old tudent partl 1pate in the Jacket Jaunt. () Getting tarted howed me how much of a community Cedar– ille i . There were o many people helping, it felt like home." Getting Starte=d==== The Cedarville campu is bu tling and crowded with people and the energy of something new. Our family come together here and now to grow and learn and move forward in life and unity. It is during Getting tarted weekend that life-long friends are found, community is sown, and a home is made. No matter how much time i pent on Cedarville's campu , students always remem– ber what happened their fir t few days here: meet– ing Dr. White, getting their key, bonding with their roommate, meeting the faculty they will work with for the next several years, and preparing them elves for the life to come. They do not know how important the e moment are to the re t of their live .