2017 Miracle Yearbook

• • • :n a morneni: our &y(~:'> see many co!or:;, lines, angles, shadows, c:nd movements but in that mornent, we focus on one thing without noticing all U1esEi details. We art~ present in the rouse arid when the lirr,e pass1;s, ciny change that has corne i;; ofien umwticecl It is sorr.etimcs i11 !viking back on these iw:,,ments that we ::,ef' tbsrn in the rno,;t clarity, fron1 all 1he angies Jnd with al! !he coicrs and brightnpss wr; might have rnissed before. W.-; ;;pelllJ our encrgv preserving inoments instead of iiving thern, conserving tradifoi1 whi!e rni::;c;ng opportunit es, and when it :=iii comes together. the s!'iarpn0ss of the ,nomerit i1as rassed This is a sa'ute to the clarity of r1indsight c111ci to tile lessor: :t teaci,es us to iock. fo,v,,.ard to 1he d;i_vs to come with the iens by which we see the past. The blessings 1 ,e Lor·d r1as give r a not bygone, bec3use dernity lies ahead. Let us i10t be pli;asect with conter.t!y· reminiscing 011 grace gone by, but set our 1cv on the blessings wf' kn(1w lo be coming by the grnce of God Th,3 prornise ot God is His grace to change our hea;ts as we 1onk in faith to the ccmpir,tion of His plans -· 0w God redeems. Ld us fo: our eyes net on the past, but forwarci to the kmgdam to con1e a::, our Fath~1· works 111 us to conform us to the image of His Son, ·~. ~vc a/,~ ~vJ!h unve:!ed /ace.. beho/c/,-/1g fl:,;e g/r; .. 11 olfhe Lort1 a., ...e hP.!F?f.J t;-ansfonnrjd h:to /he sv1ne l..?.1a5~c ;1;:J/77 1J·"'.le dr:~gre:? of.r;.1'o(Y tc, anot.1·;cr Fbr this () .. :tnes lrorn ll:e Lorr! w/ic) /c; .flH.!: SJ.1/ill .,, 2 Codothi;;ns 3.18 ESV