2017 Miracle Yearbook

me contm re holv And all the thieves will come confess And know that You are holy And all th And SEND US! ~ 1. Guest speaker Jo(mnie Moore addresses t11e student bojy as ,;. the Missions Conference begins the Spring semester. 2. Speaker Kris Stout speaks about the importance of missions in the Christian life and how all Christians are called to serve. 3. Johnnie Moore challanges students to examine the state of their hearts and ponder their role in missions. 4. Dr. Don Callan shares his experiences in the mission field with student body, detailing his basketball ministry in the Philippines. Callan started what is now called Global Outreach on campus, which allows students and faculty to travel all over the world for missions trips. 5. A student band leads conference attendees in worship. 6. Students Caleb O'Neel and Anson Lan~aster sing and play guitar, leading the crowd in praise and worship. 7. The students, conference attendees, and missionaries lift up praises to the Lord during a time of worship.