2017 Miracle Yearbook

DEDICATION • • • Dr. Char!es "Chuck" E!lic,tt is a beioved Professor of Corn111tmicatiar1s and Cedarville a!um– nus known tor l1is joyful srniie and his genuine love. Those who cross hb path or com;;: into 11is car,, remember his attentiveness and cGncern for lhem, being assured that he knows them ar:d cmes tor thern on an individual !eveL Dr. Elliott's k 1 ve tor Jesus Cl1rist is cliw in his work and relc1tionst;ips. cmd in hin, there is no evidence of pride 1n knowledge nor neglect of the Lord. De Elliott has beei1 husband to Becky for nearly ,io years and is fother to San:, Ben, ar;d Bets. He is a mer.,ber of G!·ace Baptist Church in CedarvHie and 3 dedicated educdor who spent 20 years in Hong Kong teaching coinmunrcations and bu!iding relationships with tile stu,jents and Christians there. Cedarv11:e University woulcl be missing a valuable and inwactfui man wit!1out the care and work of Dr Chuck E!iiott. ...