2017 Miracle Yearbook

CLUB SPORTS RUGBY, SWIMMING, AND FRISBEE - OH, MY 1. Sophomore Malachi Marshall rivots in order to swing the disc to one of ths handler·s. 2. The Men's Rugby team met:t on one of their multiplc1 days a week of practice for their tournaments throughout th13 year. 3. Cedatvillt'!'s Wom8n's Rugby team poses for a picture. This is the first yeat' Cedarville has fielded cl women's team for rugby. 4-. M~tthew Wier and Thaddeus McC!air: pose before practice to show off this year's jersey design. 5. Freshman Andrew Wiebe f!ies in ,rn attempt to catch the disc. The dub tearn took 7th overai! at M1dWesterns, 2nd at Sectionals and tied to:- 7th p!6ce at Regionals this year. 6. Sophomore .l\,:ron Ca1,non tt1rows a fake in order to break the de1ende,'s zrm,~. 7 Men's rugby <:irdes up with the opposing tearn to rmiy after each ?mne 60