2017 Miracle Yearbook

r-;: Cedarville students arrived back on campus, the first chapels of the year kicked off with the Fall Bible Conference. This year, Greg Gilbert began the conference by posing challenging questions and ideas. He laid out reasoning for believing in the Bible and the resurrection ofJesus Christ as absolutely true, as well as reasons for us to defend ~ them as so. Gilbert challenged the student body to think deeply about their beliefs:...... ••• ~ • - ., !"l ..,, ' • ,~, ti: · " •:,._," - ~- f .1';~\ ~• ·, l. r' (1 r ~, •I ~ ,., .. SERMON NOTES i. eg Gilb rt, this year's speaker, challeng~s s J, ts to II I ,1. Nhy ' ey ,ve "'' at they believe. He cove ed ideas of the Gosi I Bible, and the lity of Jesus. 2 Pastor Gre Gilberts ling the Fall Bible Co , t, t r 1 1 ~ ar's pe s1 ~e r I , t , 11 , 1c , 1 e as a 1 1 au' r y. 3 Chris O'M 1 r leads the studen ay n -1-1 l Singer Tori Bu I e J t> 10v 1 , 5. ,r ,JI ' ministe s to the student body, e , h 1g the 1po nee o th local church a , e ir