2018 Miracle Yearbook

FOR NARNIA! 1. The cast of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe assemble for a group photo. 2. Blake Hansher's Cat fights Teagen Bolin, a Wood Nymph. Rebekah Priebe designed the play's costumes. 3. Hunter Johnson's Edmund sips a warm drink as Merra Milender's White Witch looks on. 4. The Pevensie children discover the wonders of Narnia. 5. The Pevensie children pose in their winter coats. 6. Jordan Fredericks' Mr. Tumnus plays the flute . 7. Mr. Tumnus and Lucy (Anna Luttenegger) have tea. 8. Peter (Zachary Krauss) battles the White Witch. 9. The Pevensies prepare to head back through the wardrobe. 10. Aslan (Nathan Robertson) counsels Lucy and Susan. 21 11