2019 Miracle Yearbook

Missions Conference Dr. Kevin Ezell, the president of the North American Mission Board, and Dr. Matt Bennett, Assistant Professor of Missions and Theology, led Cedarville's annual Missions Conference on Jan. 8-10. This year, the university hosted the largest conference in its history, with 100 missions organizations and over 50 missionaries in attendance. During the conference, students participated in workshops and visited various displays to learn how they could use their skills to make an impact on the world. The event emphasized the point that students should learn .to carry the gospel with them wherever they end up going, not necessarily just to other nations. Dr. Ezell spoke at the four main sessions, and Bennett wrapped up the conference. "If the Lord does have you here for a season of preparation," Bennett said, "let me encourage you that He is sovereign, and He is going about the accomplishing of His tasks around the world while He has you here preparing." 18 r - --- - - --- - - -- -- - 1: Ariana Brooks plays the keys and sings. 2: Kayla Welch leads in worship. 3: Caleb O'Neel plays guitar and leads in worship. 4: Brandon Haynes plays electric guitar with Joshua Ratliff on the drums. 5: Dr. Kevin Ezell gives a sermon on missions during the conference. I I I