2019 Miracle Yearbook

Spitfire Grill The Spitfire Grill, Cedarville's spring production, was a musical based off the original movie made in 1996. This heartwarming story follows Percy Talbott, played by Emily Hunnemeyer, who travels to a small town after her release from prison. At first Percy is the one who needs the town for a fresh start, but it turns out that the town itself needs Percy just as much, if not more. "To put on a whole show in just two months took a lot of hard work, but it was the kind of hard work that you look forward to doing," Connor Haynes, who played Shelby Thorpe, said. "Through tough classes and long days, I always knew that I would have a goal outside of myself to go to, to forget about this life awhile and focus on the life of another person, my character." Each character in the play finds some redemption by the end, which mirrors the gospel message of God's r - - - - - - - - C • • "'\, '----------- 26 redemption for us. \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I \ \ I J I , r I I l : Suzanna Slack plays the town busybody. 2: Connor Haynes sings to Emily Hunnemeyer to console her after Emily's character shared about her difficult past. 3: All the members of the cast read entries for the Grill's contest, realizing just how many people want to own the Grill. 4: Connor Haynes' character brings her husband lunch. Her husband was played by Andrew Standley. 5: Emily Hunnemeyer reads one of the essays that was submitted for the Spitfire Grill 's contest. Contestants were supposed to write on essay about why they wonted to own the grill and submit$ l 00 into the raffle.