2019 Miracle Yearbook

Domestic Global Outreach ----- ------------- --~--~ -- -· 1: Brian Nester, Keith Holcomb, Ellen Hanson, and Vicky Hines pose for a photo. 2: International Friendships celebrates Diwali at Wright State. 3: Xavier Halder and friends enjoy dumplings as they celebrate Chinese New Year. 4: International Friendships poses for a group photo. 5: The Clark County Jail team prays before having spiritual conversations with the inmates. King 's Kids tutoring is just one of many programs supported by Global Outreach's domestic focus. This program is designed to assist refugee kids with math homework. At least once a week, students from Cedarville University travel to Dayton, where a local church hosts these refugee kids and the Cedarville students. The students build relationships with the kids and help them understand English terms related to math and science. Anna Ward, a Mollecular and Cellular Biology major here at Cedarville, says, "I like King's Kids best because it reaches outside the walls of Cedarville... ! like that I can work with people from literally all over the world right in Dayton."