2020 Miracle Yearbook

1. Faculty and staff stand together as they are honored for serving Cedarville for over two decades. 2. Dr. Jeremy Kimble and his wife serve students in the line at Chucks. This was during the midnight breakfast during Campus Christmas. 3. Dr. Dan Dewitt and Nathan Mumme talk outs ide of Rinnova. 4. Dr. Haymond and Dr. Austin teach outdoors about how creativity should be applied in business. 5. Dr. Beth Porter and Dr. Mark Spencer sing" 10,000 Blessings" at th hristmas on ert. T his celebrat ion has b n a favorite for many years. 6 Dr. Sims and Dr. Rich mak goofy fa s at the am ra durmg th ir d partm nt photo shoot. 7 Dr. Ja on L orah s roll to 1,tud nt1, flus s roll a gi en to th uni rsity last ar. Spring semester was interesting for faculty due to the coronavirus. Dr. Dan DeWitt experienced unexpected difficulties during this semester. "This year has been different in terms of teaching in that I've never taught an online course," DeWitt said. "Trying to find creative ways to connect with a class , once everyone was sent home from the pandemic, was difficult. I can't imagine what it was like for students." Even though there have been difficulties this semester, there have also been blessings. "My favorite memory this semester was the apologetics seminar that I did with Dr. Billy Marsh on the topic of Tolkien and Lewis ' friendship ," DeWitt aid. "We had a great student show out and a wond rful conversation." During th end of th m ter DeWitt 1 arn d about the importan e of good 1 ad r hip. 'I would ju t a that it i a bl ing to li in th am to n a ur o rnor Mik D Win ," D Witt id . H m k £ r full n r hip f hi hip.' 107