2020 Miracle Yearbook

n m,111 1itl 1 nt p th 111 ( n nnpu l h,lt h 11 tl uni 1 1t, tun ,fh i ntl ,lll l 1 111{ 1,. th \ 1m1 l )11 l)m l' '•" ' 11 ) P ' lh ll ut th urn,tt it, , but ,ll o to it i th r i ·ht t 1 thtm. h )11 l unzi d r ·11 ...,1.1du.llt., p ~nt thL _ h l , r w rkin a th lll t 1 n . ' I tart d nn full tim j b t dar ill th onda du ti n ' Punzi aid. 'D pit th turno r b in f t, th tran i tion from tud nt to taff wa pr tty a y. atin lunch with friend who " . re faculty or taff " a an incredible ource of , en ourao-ement. Punzi al o found in piration from the tudent he worked with. My favorite part of bein on taff at Cedarville i by far getting to work \\ith tudent Punzi aid. I get to ee God at work in their live and be a part of regular discipleship while I o abou t m job. ' I I h I id111\t hit 11'1111 1lhr1 11111 idf' In pn, 1111 , phnln h th, l.,k,• ' O,·. hit ,11 ,11d 1ll mr1nlw1 nl l,u 11lt1 111d Lill I ho hn 1' 1•1 1 d Int , \ 1•,11 ,ti ( l'd,11 ill,•. ,I ,11(•1•1 1•1 iu• t,d ! ~111,lr\ Int a pi< 1111 r ,, thr hr,ul nl c,11r1·t 1•nh1•s, J ffr R p putsil,"th· BI.S I l,1!1nn l,Hnpu I" I K th Mill r talk\ with ,1 studrnl ,1houl the Cnvr and it~ sr1 i cs. rhc 'n r is a g• rat rcsollt <' fm a«1drmic nrrds and assislancr. . Nat Biggs lc ll s yber e urily slud •nls about the computer equipment they have. The cybcrsc urily p1ogram wa more re en tly added lo lhe majors al darvillc. 6. Kelly Hellwig it down wilh a sludenl in lhe Bible depar tment. Kelly ser ves as an admin i lrative a ·istanl as well as an in fo rman t on gradua te p rograms. 7. Aaron Cook leads a Bible study with the Di cipleship Council members a t his house. T he 13 D members met weekly to then lead the 120 Discipleship Group leaders.