2020 Miracle Yearbook

1. ewlyweds Ian and Beka Uamison) Woodall smile as they look back on fond memories of college years spent together. 2. Anna Kaster, Kristen Kline, and Olivia Patterson spend the night reliving the best years of their lives spent together. 3. Olivia Coon and Elizabeth Hertel share a laugh as they pose against the T-Shirt Photo Wall. 4. Grace Christiansen, Isabelle and McKenna Armstrong, and Denise Dykema gather for a group photo alongs ide Mallory Waayenberg and Kimberly Powell. Afte r spending three years at Printy together, they finally reuni te at the party. 5. Olivia Coon and Jeff Smith gather for a shot with the rest of the Class Council. 6. Meghan Gallogly, Kennedy Harless, and Halie Hardwick enjoy the party while remembering how supportive their friends were since day one. 7. Senior Brianna Noller enjoys the T-Shirt Photo Wall wi th her fri ends. Senior Hope Fisher remembered the 100 Days Par ty "I think it's kinda crazy, getting all of us together again, even those who stayed off campus. It felt like freshman year ..." The 100 Days Party honored the class of 2020 in a variety of ways that reflected a culmination of their Cedarville experiences. Students recalled the innumerable T-Shirts given to them throughout their four years in a creative way: a Photo Wall! Seniors were able to gather before the hustle and bustle of graduation day to take priceless photos and make cherished memories. Pop culture-esque tables that featured moments known especially to the class of 2020 were a main attraction. The infamous "Chapel Mug Incident" and a shrine to the beloved lowland Gorilla, Harambre, who trended in 2016, were highlighted. Though the year ended quite differently for the cla of 2020, Seniors were thankful for SAA, Campu Experience, and many others for their hard work and dedication towards making their final goodb e unforgettable.