2020 Miracle Yearbook

rh 11111mg 1f 2020 " m t " ·th f h 1 ful p n b ut wh t, t m . t ,dthin m nth , Y rythino- h d du to th \-r - E pand mi . It , a h art and m n,· t ar that Dr. Whit announ ed the re t ,I f th m t r to b online through zoom. For the aduatin la of 2020 thi announcement was le than ideal. fter four long ear , a lot of money, and anticipation for celebrating their degrees, this eemed like an anticlimactic do e. Many seniors took to ocial media to expre their feelings re ardin the turn of e ent . ome people focused on, hat the ere thankful for even amongst the trial. Other cho e to caption pictures with Bible , ·er e and or hip poem . Though everyone was imultaneou 1 dealing with the same uncertainty, Cedarville till cho e to honor and show love to their enior . video " as put together by faculty and taff in replacement of the graduation ceremony. Cedarville s belo ed community grew closer to ether a the urrounded the seniors displaying true intentionality in Christ-like love. 11 ' [ CLAS"SLLOUf2020] S E NIOR CELEBRATION l. SGA President Sarah Shaw reflects on God's steadfastness and the need to remain thankful in the midst of life's uncertainty. 2. Dr. White joins the orchestra as 'guest conductor' during the 20th anniversary of the Community Christmas Celebrat ion. .. 3. The class of 2020 tunes into a pre-recorded video for graduation. The video honored the senior class and encouraged them in their endeavors. 4. The Cedar rock is painted for seniors, even after the students went back home. 5. tudents worship virtually as a way to give thanks to God even in uncertain times. 6. Dr. White proudly announces the senior class of 2020 as official graduates. 7. Faculty and staff take intentional time to color posters and pose with their families , wishing graduates the best in their future endeavors.