2020 Miracle Yearbook

2en ~eeler Benjamin Deeter is a Junior Political Science Major from Rimersburg, PA. He is a photographer this year and benefits the staff by taking pictures of on-campus events. Aalie Jinvi//e Katie Linville is a Junior Electrical Engineering Major with a Minor in Biomedical Engineering from Cincinnati, OH. She is the Photography Editor and leads the photographers on staff by delegating events and editing pictures for th layout team. 2radtj Osper Brady Esper is a Senior Youth Ministry and Christian Education Major from ewark, DE. He is a photographer on staff and takes pictures of many events throughout the year. Luren cft,ejerman Lauren Stieferman is a Senior Visual Communications Design Major with a concentration in Graphic Design and a minor in Studio Art from St. Lewis, MO. She is a Co-Layout Editor who works with Ethan to design the page and select picture for the yearbook. J/l//ie 2atka Madelyn Batka is a Junior Psychology Major from Glenview, IL. She is a photographer this year and takes pictures showcasing life on campus Olhan Ooms Ethan Ooms is a Senior Communication major with a minor in Graphic De ign from Wentzville, MO. He i a Co-Layout Editor and work with Lauren to elect photo and de ign page for the yearbook. Jfl!!ort 1 Xn 1 Carissa Gp/4 s Mall ry ing i nior Mark ting M jor ith a minor in P y hology from Po 11, H . h i th op A i tant thi r, hi h m ns h writ ption and t n s thr ughout th book. ri ple i a ni r Prof ion 1 · · g ·or ith minor · nor and n ' in ' m n , l . op r and h lp , ite and ont nt for th rb ok.. 11