2020 Miracle Yearbook

t f om th It l C,ll ' l,ll tll ', \ \ l)\\ "h.1t ,1, l',lr this h,1 b 'c n! Ups and d )\, n, " ith om t isls th l no on o ii I h,n ' l'\ l'I l' pert 'd. l ,for l a an ·thin 1 l , thou 1 h, I anl lo lLk a minul to thank th' t am lhal ha work d o hard lo i ou lhi o k. Josi n, our ,1dminL trat i\ a i lanl, thank for doin · all lh lhin from mailin pa roll lo an werin mail ... rai in · kri pi lr al bo log lh r w k " a gi: at. than u ar la oul niu an I m o gl d ou kn " what y u w r d in · " ith InD i n .. .I 1 d g lling t kno u lhrough t am-buildin a ti iti and, o do lhi book 1 ok go d! ari a, Mallory, and Iaddi , th ra t fi ur out h i in all th pi tur n r top ...haha. Thank £ r all th hard " rk u did and all th hilariou t ri ou told in th ffi . Kali , ur, nd rful photograph ditor om how you fit u in am ng t th hard t y ar in n in rin . I'm lad ou w r on th taff, or w n v r would have n ach olh r , nth u h" li d a ro th hall all ar. Ben and Brady, I didn t get to e mu h of ou but ou ork d hard and ga e u ome gr at hot for the book. .. don t forg t our offi e i our office anytim too! I hope each and every one of you has enjoy d b in part of the earbook taff thi ear. Cyndi, thank you for all you did a an ad · or. ou ha e alwa been available for the taff and have grown m and held m a countable thi ear. In ome ways, I feel like I have a mom who is looking out for me on campu (in all the good ways!!), and for that I am truly grateful. Our theme for thi book was community, and this year our Cedarville community ha been put to the te t. We have felt community in a lot of great ways, like through pra er e ion and chapel and D-groups. But we felt like we lost it all in the corona iru announcement. This community is special, and many of us won't ever et to come back a we graduate and move on to the real world. So, amidst all of the emotion I a k that you look back and reflect over the pa t years you have been at Cedarville. Thank the Lord for the wonderful time you have had with the Cedarville famil . Be glad for all the great things He has done while you were at Cedarville and for all the thing He will continue to do in your life. o matter whether you are a fre hman or enior, I encourage you to pre s on in your Hfe, looking for opportunitie to influence and build communities that look like Cedarville. Commit your elf to helping others realize the joy that we have when we live our lives among t other belie er that tand trong in Christ. Cedarville i a great place to learn, but there are people all aero the world who need you to help experience the ame Chri tian fellow hip that we get the ble ing of every day. ith lo e na Editor in Chief The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. P alm 12 :3 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds... Hebre" 10:24