2020 Miracle Yearbook

11 htk, ' nt ,,l} 1,,, h 1, ., ,11 h tl11,,1 l , , n 111 , i l ., , 1 t 111 l he < l1 \ l 1, HI h ,111 'I h.,d tl }I " l 1 tnl\) ,, l ~ h 1..' ll , ,111 i ... 11 \ I , i 1I," 1 thi 1,,11..' in tlw 1w" l,1 1-.. , ur \ ' r"1 111 " ,1 11 1 1u1.. 11 ,1 I l , I i1tk'renl " ,1," - m1. .1.sl notal Iv t 1 1 t, 1..' t n ,mi ,1I 1..1 the h · t that the two r m10 ·I ,11,1 ·tt. r " 'ft' n )\\ f •male in: t a :l o f mal ," haff r 11 i Thi g,1\ u:-. 1 k t )f FF ortuniti to pla_ with tht' 1 1t n,11 an i t?"-F!or diff r nt ,Nay t mak th " . - m1e t) !if f r th audi n ." Befor thi how, : 1 1ff r ha i not parti ipat din theatr , but h ha alwa,·s b n a th a tr enthu ia t. he njo ed getting to n " - n " . fri nd while preparing for the p rformance and I Y d the opportunity to participate in thi play. I , -en , ·er enjoyed working on anJ big project a much a_ I enjoy d work.ino- on thi how..." haffer aid. "A a home chooled military kid, I wa never able to do theatr in hio-h chool, o thi wa a huge urpri e and ble in ." I I n 1111d (R11h,tl 1rll1111I rltln llm •kl \111iphnl11 11I I ph, 11 tfn, I ,n ) 1)1 l'i111 h 1)11h !'1 n l 1h,• 1111 I J ll th )ldhom .1 l11 11111i n ol ""•1111 1• ,111d llunt r John 11 ,1 \11liph 11(11 q nl ", 1,1111 ,, h,11 I.. ,n ,1 limn 1h, 0111le ,111 in h•,11 I R h I •rr II ,1q llw !'wt nnd IP11 h,ml ,tnrl I, ur n J ob ,1\ \ngi•l,1 lh<' (,old ~mllh d1•111 ,111d ., ch,1111 ,111d d11c ,11 h 0 111 l lunt r John 011 aq \1111pholm nl Svr,H 11 " · B th Id.ha m ,\s D10111io o f !-,}1.1cm1• ob 1•1vf'q, ronlu ed . I. J •van a~ nlipholm of Ephcsm, bby half r ,, Drnmio of Ephc us, B U1 Oldham as Drnmlo of 1 .ic US!', and HunterJohn on a nlipholus of · r.1cus1' lake 1h1•ir final bows. 5. Beth Oldham (Dromio of ra use) observes Hunter Johnson (Antipholus of ra u c) as he tares in disbeli fat a hain he did not requ st. 6. Beth Oldham (Dromio of yracuse) and Abby chaffer (Dromio of Ephe u ) tand face to face for the fir t tim a through they are looking in a mirror. 7. Lauren Jacobs (Angela the Goldsmith) is threatened by Joey Evans (Ant ipholus of Ephe us) for not bribing him.