2020 Miracle Yearbook

am s The Alumni Association hosted the University's first annual Christmas tree lighting this year to celebrate donors. They celebrated the event with Christmas carols, hot chocolate, cookies, and a reading of the Christmas story. 1. Matt Gillis is introduced during the event. Moonlight Madness allowed students to get to know more about each of the players through their introductions. 2. A group of friends attends Moonlight Madness. This year students were given spirit towels for participating in the vent. 3. The coaching staff walks onto the court. This helped stud nts r cognize the coaches before the start of the season. 4. Nick Mantis dunks the ball during Moonlight Madness. Play rs had th opportunity to hype up this year's basketball season . 5. Rick Melson, Kim Ahlgrirn, and Jona~n Lyons announ e the beginning of the tr lighting er mony. &. A group of fri nds pose in front of the hristmas tre s in th S for ampus hristma . 7. hris 'Mara leads th community in hristmas songs. 8. I h first ' dar ill ' hristmas tr glows outsid th S · fhis y ar, th alumni association s t up a tr and host d a tr hghtmg r mony ith hristm s rols, hot ho olat , woki s, a r ading of th hristmas story, and an oppo1 tunit · fo1 stud nb to d orat th tr Th intend fo1 this to be a new annual l1ad1t1on for ' darv1lle students