2020 Miracle Yearbook

• n1ng... \-..1' fr 'll\ mu · h ,111\' 111' al ':iarvi[l, ,.vh,1 t th 'ir fo oril' thing i.s ,1l 1ul li\·it\ 1 h 'r ' , and th '/ll spit out lh' sam ' ans r: "lt ' s th · mmunity ." ll ·om 'S ,1 r ss as t ord rlin ' om di h n ou'r n ha th am fa orit thing, an :i what d " mmunit " 111 nan a ? But w 'v j in d th :iarvill f mil nd th n tu k ar und for a ear, w 'v realiz d a tlv v h t th m ant. r th ur f thi hool ar, w l arned about what it mean t li in communit with one another. We gathered in Chuck' and ting r ' , aving our pot with our wallets as if we'd ju t come home. We went on group camping trip with people from our dorm . In the morning we gathered a a tudent body in chapel to prai e God. In the afternoon we met for one-on-ones with friends at Rinno a to di cus our hard hip and triumphs and how Christ was ge tting u through it all. We even gathered together to eat dinner at our profes or ' house . Community started as a vague concept to us, but by the end of the school year, it had been shown to us so clearly that we were then able to live it out as we loved others. Our goal in creating this book was to show exactly what community mean to u . We wanted to capture this intangible concept through word and picture . Our goal was to give it a concrete representation we can look back on in twenty years to remember the beginning of our under tanding of true, deep Chri tian community. Our hope i that it would erve a a reminder of not only everything thi year wa , but al o portra the undercurrent of Chri t' love and the fellow hip that come from being family through Him.