2020 Miracle Yearbook

0 nf r n h pp n prin · but t ) • )11 id r full tim mi 1 n \, ork. I ha al a l , d mi i n on£ r n nd thi ear wa no dift rent," Kauffmann aid. I ame awa from that h p l £ elin v n more compelled to go and be \\illino- t trive m ' life for the ake of the Go pel if that i th path od ha laid out for me. ' After thi conference Kauffmann felt led to u e his degree in a ountrv like Guatemala or Brazil. "The most ideal , ituation would be taking m accounting degree and trainin other in le fortunate countries," Kauffmann aid. Ho e er if I am unable to help train other in that I know I am able to help start churche and trengthen them. The Lord has used chi experience to help guide him to this dream. .. I have found that having gone on a mi sions trip helped fuel m · de ire to o o er ea and erve the Lord " Kauffmann aid. I wa able to ee fir thand the po, erty. but deep and incere happines the kids and parent have \\.ith o little. l. Students peruse the missions booths at Missions Conference. 2. ABWE miss ionaries explain what ABWE is doing to reach the nations with the Gospel. 3. A representative of Royal Servants Mission Trips converses with students about the opportunities RSMT offers. 4. Lauren Penner reads the Bible passage for the night. 5. Danny Akin preaches at Missions Conference. 6. Ayja Robinson and Stephanie Dickson follow along as Danny Akin reads the Bible passage for one of the main sessions . 7. tudents stand and read their Bibles during Missions Conference.