2020 Miracle Yearbook

1. Morris Townsend (Sam Acosta) lights a cigar from Dr. Sloper's personal collection. 2. Morris Townsend (Sam Acosta) proposes to Catherine Sloper (Teghan Reed). Townsend did not ask Dr. Sloper (Blake Hansher) permission to marry his daughter. 3. Catherine Sloper (Teghan Reed) anxiously sits at a dinner party. She expected this to be a family event , but she was later introduced to a love interest. 4. Aunt Penniman (Sara Warnshuis) and Aunt Almond (Alix Paris) discuss atherine's w llbeing. They wer xcit d to see a suitor express int rest in atherine. 5. ath rin loper (Teghan Reed) holds her mbroidery box. H r fath r did not lik how much time sh sp nt embroid ring b ause h thought it mad her unint r sting. o Aunt P nniman ( ara Warnshuis) sits with ath rin lop r ( ghan R ed) s h w ps . atherin was ups t aft I Morris To ns nd brok oft th ir ngag m nt ov r a malt r of h r inh ritan . 7. '1 ·o ) an afte1 Dr. lop r'& d ath, Morris Towns nd ( m A o ta) returns lo\ oo ath rin lop r ( ghan R d). Aunt 1' nniman ( r W rnshuls) appro d of th r comiliation, but loper \ as not sur . Each year, Cedarville puts on a winter play. In this year' s production, "The Heiress," Josiah Kareck played Arthur Townsend, who was a differen t archetype from characters he'd played in the past. "I performed in four productions during high school. In each of them, I played the antagoni st of the story," Kareck said. "I had to be either greedy, arrogant , or just evil. In 'The Heiress,' Arthur i quite the opposite. He is an innocent, kind, and nai've young man. He doesn ' t say much , but it i clear that happiness is all he desires for him elf and his fiance.. . I enjoyed the challenge of portra ing a stereotype that I am not used to. " ft r th pla Kareck changed hi major to T heatr o h ould u e hi gifts for God ' glor . ' Th dir tor taugh t m that th r i a pla for th Kar k aid. " od ha gi n m hri tian in th atr " lo and tal nt £ r th atr , and H ill u m d ir £ r Hi ill." d r ill th t h tud nt t th nu th ir n to b it n hill. <)'