2020 Miracle Yearbook

3 )n [,H h l l. 1 r. \ hite announ d t th tud nt b d in l ap l that edan ill l'ni\· r ity w uld b huttin d n due to \ I -19. Th new then, a imp! : tud nt had t\\ .., da,:: to , uat th dorm , th v " ould ha e no cla , until th £ 11 ,dn 11onday and th n the v ould ha e two "ee - of online hool. T he announcement occurred three da, after prin break, and man tudent joked about rroin on ·· orona--cation ' with cheap airline ticket . For the ne. ·t four day , profe or crambled to make their cour e compatible with remote learning. March 20 brought more new : the enti re re t of the eme ter would be online. rudent were required to come back on taggered day to unpack their room to a oid contact with each other. Thi w e pecially i ificant fo r enior like Delaney Yutzy a the move to online meant lo ing the rest of their final year at Cedanille. ~r never expected m enior ear to end like thi . completely online,' Yutzy aid. ' I ne er expected to mi- out on J Elliv, enior Chapel and graduation. It' been a hard pill to wallow in a lot of wa . But I'm al o thankful for the time pent with m, famil , and the wa rve communicated ,-.ith friend throu h letter text and aceTime call .- 1. Dr. Grigorenko teaches her class over Zoom. 2. Dr. DeWitt teaches from his office over Zoom. 3. Noah Harvey works on his homework in Lawlor. Some students were allowed to stay in the dorms under special circumstances. 4. Dr. Lee teache his class virtually from the lobby of the BT . 5. Professor Porter, the chair of the Music department, teaches her class remotely. 6. A music student plays his guitar for his assignment remotely over Zoom with Professor Porter. 7. A class meets together over Zoom.