2020 Miracle Yearbook

1. Lauren Ellis performs her unit's opening intro dance during the infamous Printy wars. The theme for Eilis's unit was Disney summer throwback. 2. Eric Barnes cheers with his uni t during Lawlorpalooza. His unit's theme was "notch," and everyone in his unit put a small slit in his eyebrow in preparation for the event. 3. Zac Griffith tosses Fruit Loops onto Zach Leitch. Dr White judged the game. 4. Andrea Larson strikes the ending pose to "Queen of Africa" and laughs with her sister units. They made a whole dance routine for their miniature performance. 5. Sarah Sizer, Alison Belmont, Lilly Tafelsky, and Ana Tapia prepar for their unit's part in Printy wars. Their unit ' th me was based on "The Greatest howman." 6. Whil playing indoor bea h volleyball, Lauren Bernhardt attempts to scor points for her t am. The voll ) ball tournament was betwe n r idents of M Kinn y, M h ney, Johnson, and t. lair. 7 A group of fri nd gathers tog ther before going to th b ach ·oil yball tournam nt. Th tournam nt , as on of th first a ti ·iti b dorms parti ipated in togeth r. Beach ball volleyball used to be a staple for dorm life at Cedarville. Students across campus would dress up in themed costumes and compete against one another in a massive tournament where they used a beach ball as their volleyball and fought to rise to the top. This activity was one of the ways dorms established community among their residents , but in 2018 the school stopped hosting it. However, McKinney and McChesney RD's Michele and Taylor Ivester decided to start hosting the competition on their own for residents of McKinney, McChesney,Johnson, and St. Clair. "We have it the first weekend after Fall Bible Conference, so at that point bro/ sis halls have just met each other," Michele aid. "It' a fun way to spend an afternoon getting to know one another, as well as other bro/ si group throughout th dorm! We ha e done thi a a bro/ i nt th pa t t o year , and both ar it m d to b a r all u ful nt!" T h r id nt of J ohn on pp r Middl and t. lair n th omp tition thi r, bringin · horn th tr phi until n t ar.