2020 Miracle Yearbook

1 m ll 1 ,\tl h ' 'I 111 nl ' i in nt . Juli rnn, htt n h., h.1 i thl n1 pottnnit ,l ,lll 1 in th l r \l uth ro )111 ~ in F bnn1 ·," Iitt 11 ai " \ t h,1d, .1tll , and hndue, al and t ,ll lt 2,,lln ." rh 11\ ir nm nt ,ll t:d-1nill i m thinrr that i di ffi ult t btain aft r gradu ti n. "I think I, ·11 mi ju t th impl da, -t f d rm Ii£ mor than I will mi th p ifi , . nt but I think the e ent I will mi th m t "ill b th aturda brunche and the £ 11 w hip reated amon the RA team a we plan nd ho t dorm e ent for other , Mitten aid. he ha enjoyed her time in the dorm and hope the e. ~erience ,vill help her in the future. "I pray that the le on I learned abou t life-on-life discipleship and memory-makin will continue to hape the way I participate in church mini trie and neighborhood community po t-graduation Mitten said. 1 t l l.1i1 I 1'1" 1 11n11t pn, 1th I r Whit• tit,, , h 'I'' I I ht h 111 d1·1 ul, d tn 111 ,1,, \h I hi hit I ill r 1 dn111 Hi hll nt lw111 In l'I h,·, 1• 1 1 lll!(ht I I n S or, 0 111101 I up onnor o 11•lrh1 .,,,. ,lll r , t lwi1 < ;11rli1 nn ' l,i,qi1 p,, ,m, . I hi !(,11111' h ,1 pp1 ·11 'rl',11 h brl~ 1'1'11 1.. 1 Im ,111rl 1111 If 111 I l..mlrn 1'11111'1' B10,Si 111111 1rlrb1,1l1· 1hr Ill'',\ v1·,11 I hr !'ll)!l rd ,I 1•w 'c 1•,u 's p ,11 ty 111 Ihr BIS Yn11lh Rnnm I Print Rl's Lile walks du, ing tlw hnm!'rommg par,1rlr I his pa, adc gaw the 1t•s idenls tlw oppo1 tunlt In show theh Printy I lou e p1 idr du, ing the evrnt 5. The Light Blue team pos for a pi lur · b fm r thr Gauntlet. l'h ii learn won third pla e. 6. nils 26, 28, 30, and 32 parli ipal in Printy W,m 'J hrir theme wa the Lion King. 7. Team repre enling Lawlor and the H ill play nag football. Lawlor won lh event this y ar. •