2020 Miracle Yearbook

1. Hannah Nichols leans left during her tap dance number. Hannah said thi s dance was empowering as it included dramatic movements and loud shoes. Out of all the dances she has perfo rmed, Hannah said this one was her favo ri te. 2. Hundreds of crosses line the grass next to the student center. These crosses, set up by Students for Life , represent one life taken away by abortion. The crosses were up for about a week, and many students talked about how moving the display was for them. 3. A group of students holds out their hands to show their red X drawn on their fi sts. Drawing a red X showed support for people in slavery around the world. The movement behind this action was called the End I t Movement. 4. Anna Wehner and Kaziah Speed, members of K9's at the Ville, hold up puppies for the Pause for Paws event. This event was held by K9's at the Ville during finals week with the goal of lifting some stress off students. 5. Gabriella Stewart, Anna King, Abbigayle Snyder, and Andrea Soriano sell sweatshirts for the Neos Company, part of the School of Business Administration, on the BTS patio. The sweatshirts said, "God is faithful," a segmented version of Dr. White's often repeated, "God is faithful. You I can trust him." ounting o The dozens of orgs on campus helped build intentional community and knowledge of new skills among students. Ayo dance company is one example of an org that embodies these qualities. They put on two showcases each year, each with a different theme. This spring semester 's theme was Future Memories . This year 's secretary, Amy Wikrent, shared about AYO canceling their showcase due to COVID-19. "It has definitely been hard navigating how to best approach taking the next steps for seniors who were looking forward to performing their last dances," Wikrent said. "We know how important this is for our seniors who have given so much of themselves to Ayo." The org officers for Ayo decided to carry over the theme for the spring semester showcase into this coming fall semester. They also are allowing this year's seniors to come back for the fall semester showcase and perform a "senior feature." "The theme of Future Memories will be perfect for this , since it 's about looking back at the memories we've made and realizing that the present moment is going to be a memory in the future, o we have to make our time right now count," aid Wikr nt. D