2020 Miracle Yearbook

0 reac Tl l I 11frL 1 ~J, n- u fl, pp rfunity t int ra t with p opl 111 , · ~ 11111111ity, in l rd rin iti , in oth r tat , and in other 1 tit 11 ~. i l r- d ur nununity on local outreach team like ~/Ill • ~1, - L lunt rt anz , jail mini try, and tutoring teams. We t · r tlz r tat to help with natural disaster relief teams and ll utr a h t am . We went to other countries to share tlz p l al n ide local churches. Dr. White always told us tlzat lz -L anted e ery tudent to go on a mission trip before we ·aduat d, - hich helped us bond with each other as we joined t th r to erve other and share the Gospel.