2020 Miracle Yearbook

1. Shannon Chow practices newborn resuscitation with the daughter of a midwife on her trip to the Philippines. She went on the trip with the chool of ursing in May of 2019 . 2. Dawn Tincher, Cassie Boyer, Courtnie Kuhn (and her sons) pose for a picture during the summer 2019 trip to Hungary. They served at Word of Life teaching English and playing sports like volleyball and basketball. 3. Olivia Cole passes out canvases to a middle school art class during her trip to Kosovo. 4. Kenan Estes passes out Bibles during the 2019 Peru Bible summer mission trip. During this trip, they had the opportunity to work with the camp to distribute newly translated Bibles in ovember. 5. The medical missions team to Ecuador poses for a picture. The group served in May of 2019. 6. Elizabeth Harmon feeds a child on a mission trip to Bethesda Outreach in South Africa. This trip took place in May and June of 2019. 7. The Concert Chorale poses for a picture outside the church in tpe city of Gniezno where they performed during their mission trip to Poland. This trip took place in May 2019. During spring break while many students across America are traveling for fun, there are groups of students at Cedarville who travel for a different purpose: spreading the love ofJ esus . Elena Hein had the opportunity to do just that during her spring break this year. She traveled with a group from Cedarville to Clarkston, Georgia, in order to serve this refugee community through a medical missions trip opportunity. "Providing medical aid and support was only the starting point for our service in the area," Hein said. "Collaborating with local ministries and community leaders , we saw what it was to live radically for the gospel in ways that make no sense to the world without the hope of Christ." During this trip, the group was able to provide medical services to a variety of different people, and Hein was able to use what she has learned in the classroom as a nursing student to support families in need while also presenting them with the gospel. ·.