2020 Miracle Yearbook

t d.u, ille r 1, ided th pp rtunit ' D r tud nt to ·hare the ~o p 1 " ith th urr undin eni r ,id aurrh rty had b utr h in hi fr hman ar. ' utreach i a oll ti n f team that a h p nd one night a week tartinrr intentional con er ation and haring the ~ pel "ith nearby uni er i tudent , ' Daugherty aid. Thi e ;_perience a not onl influential to the tudent he wa ettin to know, but it also influenced hi mvn piritual life. ' In all of my Cedarville experience, nothin ha had a profound an effect on my faith as CU utreach, Dauo-her aid. ' Having had more mentally and emotionall., tretching con er ation through this mini try than I could e er count I feel stronger and more teadfast in m faith than I e er thought possible." Becau e of thi experience he encouraged others to get inYolYed in thi mini try opportunity a well. "It can be very challengin - terrifying at times. But I have never once re etted the deci ion to tep out again t the fear of man and tart that conver ation, he aid. - :J 1. Maddie Boccacci and Haile O'Neal lead a group of elementary school students duringjunior Jam. The theme this year was "Powerful Persuasion" and was focused on Romans 8:38-39. 2. Skyler Farrand, Colson Cissel, Lauren Penner, and Allison Wise helF a local woman with yard work. Each fall, students are invited to attend CU in the community to help maintain their homes. 3. A Bro-Sis group from Lawlor and Printy participate in CU in the community. They did yard work and cleaned up houses in Cedarville. 4. Abby Jenks builds gingerbread houses with an elementary student attending the God's Girls Christmas party. During this event,Jen.ks and the other volunteers were able to host a Christmas dinner, give gifts, and share about Jesus. 5. Abby Shaffer, Allex Teters, and Victoriahna Vander Does rake leaves at CU in the Community. 6. Jake Allinson waves at students duringJunior Jam. 7. Halee McPherson packs boxes for the Operation Christmas Child event. Cedarville students packed 1000 boxes during this event.