2020 Miracle Yearbook

1. Todd Landis walks through a group of cheering STING Leaders during Getting Started weekend. This was an annual tradition for incoming freshmen. 2. Gabby Gagarinas , Lydia Switzer, Abby Burr, and Makayla Riley welcome students to campus during move in. The STING Leaders and RAs moved in all the incoming freshmen during this weekend. 3. After the freshman class photo, Stinger leads the way in the Jacket Jaunt. 4. A STING group gets to know one another during the Jacket Fest event. This event allowed new students to develop lasting relationships during their first weekend on campus. 5. A group of students play nine square in the air during Jacket Fest. This party was a great opportunity for students to make memories before classes started. 6. Alec Mathisen cheers with STING Leaders during a Getting Started event. Getting Started Weekend was an exciting time for incoming students as well as returning 7. RAs Anna Ward, Brooke Bailey, Isabella Schaffer, Jenna Hedlund, Allison McClean, Abbie Hintz, Grace Watkins, Olivia Dayeart, Emma Smith, Torri Wick, Charlotte Burcham, and Lydia Nordquist pose for a picture during Getting Started Weekend. Getting Started weekend was a bittersweet time for families. Parents were dropping off their students for the first time, new students were moving into the dorms for the first time, and returners were excited to get back into the swing of college life. RAs on campus had the special privilege of interacting with parents while moving new students into the dorms. "My favorite part about Getting Started is getting to see the reaction of the parents," Anna Ward, a junior RA, said. "Typically the students are really upbeat and excited, so it's really fun to be able to make them more excited, but the parents are kind of apprehensive." Even though many parents were nervous, Ward enjoyed helping parents and students acclimate to campus . "Getting Started is a huge ministry to parents because we are able to how them that Cedarville is a special place," Ward said. "Some of these parents might not be saved, so we are able to serve them as well and show them the love of Jesus. Plus, it's always fun to see the parent ge t excit d and [give] high fives on the way in."