2020 Miracle Yearbook

ramura s Jake Kenniv had the opportunity to join the intramural frisbee team during his time at Cedarville University. "As captain of the club frisbee team, personally my favorite part about intramural frisbee is that it's laid back and no pressure," Kenniv said. "It's great to step out on the field knowing that you're going to have a good time and that the outcome doesn't really matter." 1. Matt Robinson leaps to make a catch in an ultimate frisbee competition 2. Eden Liang and fellow outdoors org members take a break from their hike. They spent the day at Hocking Hill State Park led b Professor Matthews. 3. A student sprints acros the field as he goe to make a touchdown. 4. Kristin Hannay and friends lean in to mile for a photo after their intramural volleyball champion hip game. 5. Stuart White throws a di c into the goal to core point for hi t am.