2020 Miracle Yearbook

onfer n e " a uniqu opp rtunit D r tudent t 1" r twi dail D r th fir t k , ofth m ·t r. pr , i din a truly m morabl peri nee. ·· he Fall Bible nferen i a eat time for tudent t re up after a ummer av a from chool and remind our eh-e who we 're ervin and wh ' ata ha am cho. a lobal Bu ine and Finance major, aid. ··I 10\·ed ett in to pend time twice a day with my edanille family wor hipin the Lord." The conference erYed a an important reminder for tudents begining another eme ter at Cedarville. Thi ear, pa tor Dean In erra poke about 1 Corinthian 2:9-3:3, and the theme of hi me a e wa ' The Proce . These ermons laid out the importance of the anctification process, and In erra made a memorable illu tration in olving three chair to help tudent ee v here the were in their walk \\ith Chri t. There were over 50 profe ion of faith, and O tudent made deci ion during thee ent. 'I "ill alway remember celebrating all the ne believer who cho e to ·ye their life to Chri t at the Fall Bible Conference.- Camacho aid. 1. Heatsong sings "Worthy of Your ame" during the Fall Bible Conference. T he theme of the conference this year was "The Process." 2. Jake Ringstrand and Conlan Cymbalak pray during a Fal l Bible Conference session. Dean Inserra was the speaker this year. .. 3. Matthew Pettus leads worship during the Fall Bible Conference. T here were 50 professions of faith during Fall Bible Conference. 4. Natasha Camacho worships during the Fall Bible Conference. Over 200 students made decisions during this event. 5. Pastor Dean Inserra speaks during the Fall Bible Conference event. This year's event focused on 1 Corinthians 2:9-3:3. 6. Reuben Quade, Anya McCary, Macy Miller, Kayla Seabra, and Grace Sexton pose for a picture after a Fall Bible Conference session. Many students use this time to catch up with friends after summer break. 7. Josh Guaita plays the keyboard during the Fall Bible Conference. Thi event featured three morning essions and two evening sessions before the beginning of the school year.