The Ohio Independent Baptist, July/August 1991

, Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo, will host the 1991 OARBC Conference October 21-23. GARBC National Representative Paul Tassell will be the main speaker. Willowick Cares About Handicapped originally, the First Baptist Church of Willowick had about the worst possible set-up for a person with physical handicaps. The church is full of stairs; going to the sanctuary or to classrooms was impos– sible for someone in a wheelchair. But all that has changed. The church frrst became aware of the problem when Pastor Donald Leitch was called to Willowick in 1983; the Leitch's daughter, Debbie, uses a wheelchair. With initial gifts of $3,000, the church purchased a portable wheelchair lift, which carries a wheelchair up and down a staircase. Later they purchased two gliding chair seats. Although primarily used by Bill Walton, a faithful member who uses crutches, the seats are avail– able for the elderly or anyone else who needs them. Over the years the church has become more accessible to people with other types of handicaps. Several people sign for the deaf, and a Shepherds Sunday school class was begun for the develop– mentally disabled. To show support for Deepwood Center, a nearby residential home for mentally handicapped, the church employs a crew of residents to do lawn maintenance. The church is in desperate need of a van with a wheel– chair lift in order to transport Deepwood residents to church se.rvices. -Submitted by Allyson Schmidt Has God blessed your church with an unusual ministry ? Tell us about it! Write Ohio Independent Baptist PO Box 293058 Kettering, OH 45429 Eden Pc1rk Needs Pastor Former First Missionary Baptist Church of Eden Park stands empty. It is readily apparent from the accompa– nying picture that this is a typical church building. The problem is that the congre– gation has dissolved. This was formerly the First Missionary Baptist Church of Eden Park, Ohio (Portsmouth). On May 27, 1990, the membership voted to close the church and to transfer the property and assets into the care of Temple Baptist, Portsmouth. The plan was to keep the building maintained and closed for a minimum of one year, to allow time for the problems associated with the work to heal . Now, more than a year has passed. Several improvements have been made to the property. The former pastor, David Gose, kept his office during this year and watched the property on behalf of Temple Baptist. He has now accepted a call to a GARBC church in Montana. In light of the current movement of our state and national associations concerning church planting, there is now a wonderful opportunity in southern Ohio. The building is in marvelous condition and is debt-free. The auditorium, offices, Sunday school rooms, kitchen, library and grounds are in "move-in'' condition. There are approximately 1,200 people living in the Eden Park area, with an additional 5,000 less than a 1nile away in New Boston. The folk at Temple are praying tl1at the Lord would lead a pa tor witl1 a clear visio11 and deep determination to come and begin a new work. Many cities have een churche tarted with no building or furni hings . Maybe they began in someone' living room or the ba ement of a building. Ilere i an opportunity to begin witl1 everything that tl1e average .per 011 ociate wiU1 a May Sporing, member 66 years; Don Wilson, member 58 years; and Effie Watson, member 54 years, were honored at the 125th anniversary of Norwood Baptist Church in April. Preferred Risk Insurance Company • Auto •Life • Church • Health •Home •Business Insurance for non-drinkers your "best buy" Phelps Financial Services, Inc. ProfessionaJ consulting and sales for your financial and insurance needs Dorr R. Phelps, G.P., CFP, RFP, NQA 659-H Park Meadows Drive Westerville, Ohio 43081 Phone 614-899-6000 FAX 899-6022 •• 41 • ' ...... .. ~ -- Teachwith material that builds onthe foundation ofGod' Word. Thi newlyrevi ed curriculum i ea ier to u e, making the teaching-learning proce more enjoyable. Uing the KJV a the tandard text, the les on empha ize evangeli m and Baptist distinctives.You wiJl enrichyour teaching byu ing the curriculum thac i true to Hi · Word. For a free copy ofour Curriculum Catalog call; 1-800-RBP-4440 g Regular Baptist Press 1 , CA ADA Etzenga Ministries • (5 19) 4.3)· 4988 cl1urch already in place. If t11i ound like omething made for you or omeone you know, ontact Larry Fetzer or Pa tor John Gowdy, Temple Bapti t l1ur 11, 1148 Gal lia treet, Port mouth, 0 1 I 45662 or call 6 14-353-6869 . In the meantim , plea e add the ~cten Park ituati n toy ur chur hand p r fl t I prayer li t. 3