Channels, Fall 2023

32 • “A Guiding Star to the Youth of Every Land” Channels 2023 Wa nidt ht fwe wo cohpipl dorret un ntiot i essu fpoproermt , pal osyi mmiel anrt sjoitbuaastiaontetaochheerr (c5h9il)d. hood, she found a Dp ouvr ei nr gt y ,t hS iosu tphewr ioordt ho bf edceasmp ee raa tf ui ol nl - t ai mn de wb erci toemr , ea nf idn ha ne rc inael lwy csat ar ebel er . hHe lepre dwhr ietri nt og ps ul uc nc eg sesd, ahnedr i ni nttoot anl ,eswh feo wu nr do t ef ammuel t ai pnl de (sHhourdtdsletosorines72an).dSohveeer ssceavpeendtya nliofeveolsf tyeeaacrhti on ge awrhnei nr eg suhpe two a$s6e, 0a0r n0 i na gy $e a2 r5 0“ aat t( hDeo bhseoing hxtx )o. fS hhee rd i ec adroe ne rJ”u naes 3a0 , w1 r8i 9t e9r, as cnhdo l laerfst t bo esht iunddy y( He aurdsd loefs own r7i t8i n) .gC rf iotr- irci es nccaens wf i ne adv eSdo ui nt ht wo ohretrh ’ ns oovwe lns , eexs pp ee -- cially in titles like The Deserted Wife and The Discarded Daughter in which she tf oo romk e dh eirt “ “i nptaoi npf uo lp utlraur t hf i”c t iaonnd” ( St raal znesr- 2t i 1o 8n )t. hSroouutghhwhoer rt hwfroi ut inndg fcianraenecri, aal nsda lsvhae- it ni vf eu seexdp he reire nn oc evse lisn wo irtdhehr et ro odwi snp lf ao yr mt hae- swt roumg egnl e, sa ot of pmi c asnhye wn i onue ltde ecnotnht-icneunet ue rxy- pounding upon in Ishmael. Categorizing Southworth within Nina Baym’s Genre of “Woman’s Fiction” Iwno rat dh d’ si t icoonn t et ox t , urnedaedresrtsa nmd iunsgt uS no du et hr -- sutsaunadl l yt hf ae l l giennt roe i nS oourtdhewr otrot hr’ se c on gonv iezl es hgeonwreainnd why she departs from this Ishmael. Scholar and critic Nina Bt eaeynmt h -ecsetnatbul ri syh efsi c at i ocna t eigno r hy e or f bnoi noek-, Woman’s Fiction: A Guide to Novels by and about Women in America 1820-70, wc ahl lisc ht hs eh e wl arbi teelrss“ wwoi tmh ai nn ’ st hf ii sc t icoant ,e”gaonr dy “inwomen writers” (15, 23). Ashley Reed Heaven’s Interpreters references tf rhoems e 1183200 -w1 8o 7r k0st hpautbBl iasyhme d“ ubnye awrot hmeedn” ac enndt ul ar by e l“sg et hn irse ”g r(o5u4p)i. n gM aa nnyi noeft e tehnet she- ww oo mm ee nn l owo kr iint egr sf o r weemrpe l o ymmi de ndtle. -Icnl aasns ei srfay iwn gh ear ne d“ t hweerlel wp aeirde ov icrctuupa al ltyi onnos s faot r- wa nodmwe nr i, ”t i n gt w—ol e t pwr oo mf e se sni oenxse—r c ti seea cthhienigr ml i veenst, a l a nf adc u “l ti inefsl u, e“nccoen”t r ot hl ”e itrh eri re a do ewrns (wBi at hy imn t3h1i s) . gIenn roer, dBear y fmo r a ar g wu eosr ki t tmo ufsi tt hwaevl le a as f feemmaal lee- f ao uc ut hs oe rd caonndt eanutd(i2e 2n )c. eS ha es e‘ t xr ipal lasi na sn tdh tart i tuhme speh n’ …o voef l sa “hc eh rr oo inni ec l we thhoe, bs eelsf e tt hwe i tqhuhaal irtdi essh i opfs , ifni nt edlsl i gweint hc ei n, wh ei lrl-, rt oe soovuerrcceof mu l en et shse, ma n” d( 2c2o)u. rAa gweo sr uk f if ni c itehni st gf oecnurse , o ft hwe on m, ea mn ’ ps hf iacst ii zoens atsh teh ef ewmri int ei nr es fui sc et ido nt ah lei zi re dv ot hi cee sf e tmo asl ep eeaxkp eorui et nacgea ai nnsdt oInpphreerssbivoeodkiscourses in society. Sensational Designs, Jane Tompkins offers her own description of