Channels, Fall 2023

Where Disciplines Meet CHANNELS Journal of Undergraduate Research Cedarville University Volume 8 | Number 1

Channels: Where Disciplines Meet Fall 2023 Volume 8, Number 1

Editorial Board Julie Deardorff Director of Library Collection Services; Associate Professor of Library Science, Cedarville University Kathryn Carnegis Digital Commons Director, Cedarville University Dr. Mark Owens Assistant Professor of New Testament Theology, Cedarville University Dr. Nicholas Carrington Associate Professor of Professional Writing and Information Design, Cedarville University Josh McClain Junior Professional Writing and Information Design Student, Cedarville University Brianna De Man Senior Professional Writing and Information Design Student, Cedarville University Sarah Mummert Junior Professional Writing and Information Design Student, Cedarville University Channels, a bi-annual undergraduate research journal, consists of faculty sponsored articles from various disciplines across Cedarville University’s campus. Each article is sponsored by a faculty member and will be published in digital and print format. Channels strives to provoke thoughtful discussion among readers. Authors explore new ideas, generate creative solutions to existing problems, and develop knowledge in new ways. DigitalCommons@Cedarville provides a publication platform for fully open access journals, which means that all articles are available on the Internet to all users immediately upon publication. However, the opinions and sentiments expressed by the authors of articles published in our journals do not necessarily indicate the endorsement or reflect the views of DigitalCommons@Cedarville, the Centennial Library, or Cedarville University and its employees. The authors are solely responsible for the content of their work. Please address questions to ISSN: 2474-2651

Table of Contents Fall 2023 Volume 8, Number 1 The Role of the Urban, Multilingual, Literate Amazigh Woman and Tarifit in Preserving Amazigh Ethnic Identity in the Rif 1 Madeline Spaulding “A Guiding Star to the Youth of Every Land”: Analyzing E. D. E. N. Southworth’s Depiction of the Nineteenth-century Ideal Man in Ishmael 29 Grace Mowery End of the Patrol: Analysis of the Blimp and Its Contributions to the US Navy, 1941-1962 51 Spencer Benefiel Pragmatic Features of Prayer: A Case Study 81 Rebekah True Attitudes of American Secondary Students toward Foreign Languages: A Study at a High School in Western Pennsylvania 99 Lynnell P. Fry

1 Channels Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): 1–28 ISSN 2474-2651 © 2023, Spaulding, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND ( nc-nd/4.0/) The Role of the Urban, Multilingual, Literate Amazigh Woman and Tarifit in Preserving Amazigh Ethnic Identity in the Rif Madeline D. Spaulding English, Literature, and Modern Languages Abstract Tt hhrios usgt hu d yu ri bn av ne ,s t img autlet isl i hnog wu a Al , ml iat zeirgaht ee t hAnmi ca zi di gehn t iwt yo mi s ebne i nagn dp r eAsme ravzei gdhi n l aMnogruoacgceo, sRpees ceiaf irccahl l my oTsatrl yi f i at .g rPeaesst tshcaht oAl amr sa zf iogchu sweodmoenn rpul ar ay l ,a nm ionnvoal liunagbulael rAo ml e ai zni gphr ews eormv ienng. TA amma az zi gi ghh tl a, na gnuda go er a la ns dt o ri ydteenl ltiint yg (t hBreol auhgshe nmeeta na sl . , l2i k0e1 7a;r tG, atgelai acrhdi ni , g2 0t h2e0i;r Hcohfiflmd raenn, 2m0o0n6o; l i nLgaugahl s, si al liist ,e r a2t0e2 A1 ,m aSzaidgihq i w, o2m0 e0n7 ) c. o nTthi ne u epsr et os e rbvea tsitound i epdr, aac t gi caeps i no fc urrur er anlt, lpi treersaetruvri ne geAx mi s tasz iog nh lha onwg u augreb aann,d mc uullttui lrien.gAu agla, pl i itne rlai tteer aAt mu raezai gl sho we xoims t es no nmhiog wh t t hb ee ians cal uvsei oh ni c ol ef oT fa Amma za izgi hg ht i ent thhnei c2 i0d1e1n tCi ot yn. sTt iht iust si ot un dmy i ag tht te cmhpa tnsgteo t bh ee gsi tna ft iul lsi no gf Tt ha emgaazpi gbhyt u T an r a b s r w i a f n i e t r l i i i n n v g in p g r “w e , s m h e a r u t v l t i i n i s l g i n t g h A u e m a r a li o z s l i m e g h , o a f e n t u d h r nb l i i a c te n i r , d a m e c n y u t l i i t t m i y li p n i a n g c u t t a e hl d e , l t R i r t i a e f d r ? a ” it t i E e o vn A i a d m l e a n fo z c r i e g m h i s n w d o i o f c m a A t m e e n s a z t a h i n g a h d t cpulaltyuirnalperexsperrevsisniognth, weihriecthhnmicayidiemnptiatyct. the role that Amazigh language and women mKeuylwtiloinrdgus:alA, mlitaezriagthurlea,nugrubaagne, Amazigh women, Imazighen, ethnic identity, Tarifit,

2 • Preserving Amazigh Ethnic Identity in the Rif Channels 2023 Introduction tdhennitc iidne nTtai tryi f iits, etshpee cliaanl lgyueavgie- sl ipvoe ki ennt hbey Rtihf ,ewIhmi cahz iigshae nr e gwi oh no ii nn gNnoar tt ihoenrsn, lMa nogr uo ca cgoe . pAoml i icdys ts hc iof tnsq, uaenrd- cI me natzriigpheet anl— wl ahnog u aagr ee tphree s si nudr ei gse, n ot hu es t lp i o n e o k s p e p d l e e a t o k o f N T A o a m r r t a if h z it i A , g f h w r i h e c t a ic h —h n i h c i a s v id i e n e c e n o x t n t it r t y i i c n . a u N b e o l d y t ou ns ul ya lddoeevsetlhoep ms uernv ti voafll oa nf Tg ua ar igf ei tsd, beuf yt tt hh ee pa rrei m aa rr gyuparbel sye rtvheer s mo fo st th ems ea rl agni ngaulai zgeeds population within the Amazigh c2o0m0 7m) .uHn oi twy : hAa vmeaazni gohr awl loamn geuna g(eS aa dnidq ai , pc oe loopnl iez esde”ebne eans ntohte o n“ cl yo laobnl iez et od s uo fr vti hv ee bcoumt pcleoxmpete for relevance in the linguistic landscape of MR eosreoacrccoh (hCaasmiunsc reeta sai ln. ,g l2y0 1f o7c, ups e. d4 0o)n? at hnes wr oelrei nogf tmh oi sn qo ul i ensgtui oa nl , , rsupreacl i, f ii lcl ai tl el yr aot ne Al amn gauz ai gghe wa no md ei dneinnt pi t rye. sIenr vr iencge nAtmyaezai gr sh, mM oa nr oyc lcaon, g umaogset pnool itcai ebsl yh aav emsohvi fet me de ni nt ti no dweapredns d eAnrcaeb iizna t1i o9n5 4 ,p ot hs te sMt aonr do ac cr od ’i s- zation of Tamazight1 in 2003, and ma l oa nk gi nsgi d Te acml aaszsiigcha tl aA rnaabt ii co ni na l tlha en g2u0a1g 1e Mt hoe rsoe c ceavne nct os ,n si nt ict ruet ai osni n. gI nd iagdi tdailtiizoant i ot no ai mn dp agcl to bo anl iAz amt iaozni ghhacvue l thuarde ai ns iMg noirf oi ccacnot. 1 Tamazight is a word used for all Amazigh languages, including Tarifit. Tn uh me sbeeervoe fn tAs mhaa zvieg hl e dw ot omaenn i bn ec rceoams ii nn gg us er ebma ns, tmo ubl et i lai ncguurarle, natn gdalpi t ei nr alti et e. rTaht ue rr ee oA nm ahz oi gwh wu robma ne n, mm ui gl thi tl i nbgeu apl r, e sl iet re vr iant ge AMmo raozci gc ho ltaondgauya. gTehai sn ds t eutdhyn iwc iildl eant tt ei tmy pi nt to begin filling in that gap. A History of the Imazighen in Morocco The Origin of the Imazighen Ti not hbiessst t uu dn yd e( Ar smt aanzdi g thhwe okme ye nc,oAnms tar zuicgths lnaencgeus as ag rey, ettoh ng ii cv ei dae nbtri iteyf, ahni sdt or royl eo) ,f i tt hi es AMmo raozci gc ho ’ isncMu rorreonctc ol i na gnudi satni co vl aenrdv si ec wa poef. TMoadgahyr i Nb o rotrh “AI fsrl iacma i ics dWi veisdte” d ai nn dt o tt hh ee MWaesi thzrmi qa n o, r2 0 1“ I1s)l a. mT hi ce MEaags ht "r i b( Mi s acdodmy -- p Li o b s y e a d , of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Mauritania. MaddyWs p ee iat kz mi n ag np e( 2o p0 l1e1s) hwa vr ei t ebse et nh act e nB terrabl etro- ti nhvea dMeadgihnrti hb e es evve enn tbhecf oe rnet u rtyh.eT hAoruagbhs nMoatg ht rrai bd ii t i no an tai lol yn arl ei sctos g, nBi zeerdb ebr y ceual rt ul i er er aNnodr t he tAhfnr ii cc iat yi n thoa vweh ahteiltp ei sd t ot do a ys.hTa hp ee lMa rogreosctcpoo p( Cu laamt iuo sn oef tB earlb. , e r2p0e1o7p) .l e Ti shiins sBteurdbye rws illilv ifno gc uisn ot nh e t hRei f fpi aonp ucliat yt i oonf Ao fl E

Vol. 8 No. 1 Madeline D. Spaulding • 3 H“ Roi cf fei i”mo ra ,“ Rwi fhf ioBaerreb earlss. o” Trheef e“rRrief ”d otro“ Raisf Mc ooaus tn, t abionrsd”e riesd l obcya ttehde Mo ne d iMt eor rr oa nc ceoa’ns sAet al a natni cd OScpeaainn oonnt hteh we ensot .r tAhl, Haoncde itmh ae iMs o ou nn t atihnes . nUo rntthi le r nr e ceedngtel y , o fmtuhceh Roi ff Bo ne lryb e ro rlaa lnl yg,u awg eh ihcahs bmeeeann st r atnhsamt i t tt ehde mw raijtot reint yb yoof u Bt sei dr beer sr whhi sot oo rf tye nhda es p ibcet ee dn them as semi-savages (Maddy- Wp eeairt ez dm iann h, 2i s0t 1o r1y) . bTy hae mB ey rr bi aedr so hf anva emaeps-. Tc ohneqGureereokr,sR o mr eaf enr, raendd e vt oe n t ut ha el lmy A r aabs “Africans,” “Numidians,” “Moors,” barbaroi meaning “barbarians” and barbar meaning “babble noisily” after tWhee itzlma nagnu, ag2e0 11t h, epy. 2sp) .okAero u( Mndad dt hye- 1th9e9m0sse, Blveersbears people started to refer to Amazigh, meaning “free m1 1a7n, ” &( CMr aawd df oyr- dW e&i t zHmo af fnm, a2n0, 1210, 0p6. , 2p) .. Anomuanzigh is the adjectival form of the Tamazight (pl. Imazighen), which il as n ga ul saog e us s e(dM at od d yr e- Wf e er i t tzom aanl l, B2e0r1b1e)r. Bmeernbteerds wheirset o friircsatl w rr ei tct oe nr d i n tboy d otchue- cMhur solni mi c l ea rr sm i eo sf i nt h teh ec os envqeunetrhi ncge n At urrayb. TA hr aebs ei c al ar nmgiue as g eb, r oaungdh tI s lAarma b t oc uNl tourrteh, Africa (Maddy-Weitzman, 2011). European Colonization and Arabization Ec auur soepde asnp eccoi fl iocnbi zoartdi oe nr s ot fo Nb oe rdt hr a Awfnr i ci na tpheeopMleaghreb, which isolated the Berber into separate countries (FAr el mn cahs uPdreo,t e c2t0o0r 1a t)e. f rI no mM1 o9r1o2c ct oo ,1 9t5h6e na totte mo pn tl ye d i nt ot r orde iuncfeodr c eF rtehnec hd i sbtui nt c at ilos no bd ei vt iws ieoenn a“ Bn edr br eemr sa” iann di n“ Aproawb es ”r . t oF rceanucshe bmeecda imu me tohfe i nl as nt rguucat igoen oi fn ps rc ehsotoi gl se, , at nh de bT ehgr ao nu g tho ad ommyi nr iaatde Mo fo rsot cr ac at eng iseos c, i et thye. Fc iraetni ocnh eo lfi tAe rbaebgi ca/nApr raobmwoittihn gI st lhaema sasnod- At amn galzei dg h lwi nikt ha gseh aol lfo wl a nI sgl ua ma g, ec, r ecautlitnugr ea, ll ae wg i t, i ma ni zda tiidoenn toi tfy t (hKeas eb e le, t h2n0i1c 8 )d. i fTf ehre- ea nd mc eisnbi setcraamt i oena” “ c( Ko ranbeerl s, t2o0n1e8o, f pc o. l4o8n6i a)l. Ur el st iuml taetde liyn, t h eF reet hn nc hi c i z ac toi loonn oi af l A mpaozliigc hy il adne gnut iat yg e , amnadk i ntgh eb o tpho l“i ti di cei znat ittiyo”n a nodf “r li ae ns gi un aMg eo”r opcocloi t i(cKa al lbye lc, h2a0r 1g e8d) . Icnadt eegeod-, SAomual az ii mg ha/nBi e rwb er irt el as n gt uh aa gt e tahned icduernr tei nt yt dMeobraotcec od i(dS onuol at i me xa insit, 2i n0 1p6r)e. - cTohl oo nu gi ahl Mt hoe r oFcrceonicsh n ol awn gf rueaeg ef r oamn dF r ee fnf cehc t sr u loef, csoocloientiyaltiosmday. still impact Moroccan TMhoer owc caok el eof ft Eau rl ionpgeuai snt icco lsooni li z raitpi oe n f oi nr Arab politicians to plant the seeds of

4 • Preserving Amazigh Ethnic Identity in the Rif Channels 2023 AA rr aa bb ii zz aa tt ii oo nn .i nTMh eo r oocvceor awr ac hs itnoge rgaodai cl a ot ef tehf feo rvt es ,s t ai gdevsa nocf e E ut hr eo pAe ar anb icco l loanni gz ua taigoen, s 2p t 0 r r e 2 e s 0 n e ) g r. t v T h e e h nis A s r n e a a e b t m i - o M in n u g a s l a li t m i t d e em n p v t a i t t l t y u o e c s ( r , L e o a u a te t n f d a i, mt woon oml iont ghue ar l t on na tgi uo ens :i gDnaorri ej adh M( Do iraol ce cc ot a’ sl M( Boerrobcecra n l a nAg ruaabgiecs)) a( Mn da r l eTya, m2a0z 0i g4h)t. Li ci at el , raadt emAi nr ai sbt irca gt irveew, l ieng ap lr, ersetliiggei oi nu sp, oa lni td- mE uerdoipa e a ns pchoel roensi.z a tAi o n caonmdbAi nr aa tbi iozna t i oonf as oc tl ieddi fai esdt h et hwe e tacses mo cei antti ot hna t oefv ewn trui tat lel ny Awriathbiwc owmiethn. men and oral Tamazight Az amt iiodns t e pf foosrtt-sc o li on n i at hl ies m1 9a7n0ds , Amr aabniy- ss cehe mo l ai nrgs l y qi suoelsattieodn e da n d wdhies ct hoenrn e c tt ehde Bs iegrnbi feircsa nwt opuolldi t i ec av le fro rbcee ai nb lteh et ou nf os tramb l ea political climate of independent MB eorrboecrcso s (hCa rraewd ftohred s a&mHe orfef ml i gai no ,n 2a0s0t0h)e. dt hoemi ri noawnnt wA rr ai tbt ei cn- slpa enagkueargse , awn hd i cl ha cwk eads tl ihnoguugi shtti c at ol l y b ed e fni enceeds s aert yh n itco ifdoer nmt i t ya (i nCgr layw f ot hr de &I mH aozf fimg haenn, 2 0p0e0o )p. l eI n c wr eearse- at hsas ot cwi aot eudl d wniet he d t rt oi b abl ies me r, aad i cma tiendd steot f(oKramb e l ,a 2 0m1o8r)e. Dpu or iwn ge rtfhuel tnhar ut isotno- sf ttaht ee Aa trtaebmi zpat tsi o nt om sotvaenmd ae rndt si z, et h eorre wd ee vr ee l on po Amazigh varieties. Urbanization, poverty, lack of resources, and exclusive lAamn gauzai gghe v ipt aolliitcyy ( Knaebgealt, i2v 0e l1y8 )i. m p a c t e d Modern Amazigh Cultural Movements Dt reasnpsiftoer mt haet si vee f ac uc tl ot ur rsa, l i nr e tvhi vea l1 9f o9r0 st h ea BHeorf bf me ra n ,p e2o0p0l0e) . bAemg aanz i g h( C lreaawdfeorrsd f e&l t t( hZ raekahtiern&e dO ’ bByr i et nh ,e2 A0 1r a7b) .i zTaht ei oyns apwr oijteacst aTna maat tzei gmhpt .t At omma zai gr ghi n aa cl itzi ev i stthse aursgeu eodf tahnaat tTi oanmaal zl ai gnhgtusahgoe ual nd db ne orte sc iomg np il zyead dais- aI ml eac zt i gohfe nAirna bMi co r o( Bc ceoc kbeerg, a n2 0t o0 6i d) .e nTt ihf ye wj o ii tnhe dI maa zt ri gahnesnn aitni oontahle rA mc oauzni gt rhi egsr oa nu dp c(Baleleckdert,he 2W00o6r)ld. Amazigh Congress In 2001, King MI nus thi at umt emoafd AVmIa zeisgtha bClui slht uerde tohre R o y a l Institut royal de la culture amazighe (IRCAM), wa nhdi c hA mp raozmi goht e cdutlht ue rset u(dByeoc fk Te ra,m2a0z 0i g6h)t. Bpuobolkisshoend,Amazigh people began to be and internationally acucclteusrseible websites promoting Amazigh were created. Scholars Cr irzaewt hf oersde aAnmd aHz iogfhf mc ua lnt u( r2a0l 0m0 o) vs eummemn at s- wl i tiet rha l ltyh ew rf iotlilnogw itnhge: m “sIeml vaezsi g hi netno at hr ee hmi si st roerpi erse st ehne tye dc otnhteemn d” (hpa.v1e 1i 9g n) . oOr ende oorf tAhme a zmi gohs t c usl itgunr iaf li c amnot v erme seunl tt s woa fs tt hh ee iannc l u soifof ni c ioafl s t al anndgaur da gi zee d To fa m aMz oi grhotc caos a M lo o n ro g c s c id a e n Standard Arabic in the 2011 Constitution. Today,

Vol. 8 No. 1 Madeline D. Spaulding • 5 Tt wa mo amz iogthhtear ntdo Mn goureosc coafn MA roarboiccc aor ewtiht he Cvelarsssioicna l oAf rTaba mic a zaingdht aassttahned aorfdfiizceiadl laarnegaul as og essp. oFkreenn cwhi, dSeplayn. i s h , a n d E n g l i s h Amazigh Language TA hmearzei g ha r el a n tghuraegee , ma lal i no f dwi ahl ei ccht s a roef spoken in Morocco: Tashelhit, Ti na mtahzei g hRt ,i fa nMd oTua nr itfai ti.nTs a roi ffi t ins osrptohkeer nn MM oo ruonct caoi n; sT aamn da z si gohutt hi ne rt hn e dMe si de dr tl e oAatsl iass; aAntldasTachelhit in the Sus Valley, High Mountains, and Anti-Atlas MT aomu na zt ai gi nh st a( nB de cTkaecrh, e2l0h0i t6c) a. nS pc eoamk me rus noi -f cf oart e Twaimt ha oz ingeh ta/nToat chheer l, hbi ut t si tp ei sa kdei frf si c ut lot c( Bo me cmk eurn, i2c0a 0t e6 ) . wAiltl ht h rTe ae rliaf int g usapgeeaskcearns b“ Te arme faezrirgehdt . ”t oTuanmdaezri gt hh et ui smabnr eolrl aa l t el ar nm- gc ouda igfei eadn, d , tuhnotui lgrhe c e ns ot lmy , eh a dMnoortobcec ae nn s ia n c r rc i h A p i t r v s a e b s w i c i c t o h s n c A t r a m i i p n a t zi c ( g e S h n o t u l u a l r a ni i g e m u sa a o n g l e i d , w 2 m r 0 i a t 1 n t 9 e u ) n - . BS tearnbdear r hd a sA rbaebeinc , i na nf l du e Dn ci aelde cbt ya l FAr er na bc hi c, bT ua mt ahzaisg hrte’ sm as iunrevdi v adli s ti si n cotwi veed. Ptaor t t hoef Iwmeal lz i gahs e nt’hs epi rr i dgee oi ng rtahpehi ri claaln gl uo ac ag tei,oans; mt r aadniyt i o Inma lal yz i gl ihv ee nd i nc ovmi l lma guensi ttihe as t wh aevr ee i(sCoalma tuesd e t af rl .o, 2m0 1 7u) .rTbha ne pa rptoi cpiuplaantti os ni ns this study speak Tarifit. Tamazight and Identity Mt hue c hA mo fa zciugrhr elnatn gl iut eargaet uirse iangerxeter si c at hbal yt t( iLeadf k ti oo u Ai , m2a0z i1g3h c&u l t Eu rnen aaj in, d 2i0d1e 0n t i t&y Mi n at er rl emya, r2r0i a0g4e) . aBn edc lai uv isneg oaf l oc enng tsui dr ei e so noef adni sot ti nh ge ur ,i sBhearbbl ee r so nal ny db Ay r wa bhse tahreer otfht eeny s( 2p 0e a1 k0 )A r awbri ict eosr Btehrabte r “nraatciev,e l yp. oEl ni tni caaj il ac rf fui lci iaatli oans , l aanngdu as go ec i ianl dc leat sesr ma irne i nngo te t ahs- nimicp ogsrsoibulpe sto idnis t itnhgeuisMhaaghBreerbb;e r iftro mis aTnh eA rrae ba l iot yn tthhaet bAarsai sb iocf irsa cr eeq” u(ipr.e4d0f8o)r. tI mh ea zpirgahcet ni c eu soef Issol amme md eegarnese t ho af t Amr aabni yc aa ns d Af eme la zt hi gehm s(eCl va ems utso beet A ar al . b, a2s0w1 7e )l l. IgnucarleisamsinghasArambiacd/eTamitazighhart derbilinto- db ui stt i ns egvuei srha lb es ct wh oeleanr sA, rianbcsl uadnidn gB eErnbne rasj i, (f o2 r0m1 0a)n, eatghrneiec gtrhoaut p “i Bn etrhbeei rr oswp ne arki ge hr st Bb ee cr ab ue sr e” (npo. n4- 0B8e )r .bMe rasr lveeyr y( 2r0a 0r e4l)y ws pr iet ae ks tshyamt bToalmi c a zvigahlut ei,s swt i lhl iac h“ l a ns hg ua pa gees wtiht he md eef ni nt ea sl wt hoerilrd coof l l Be ce tribv ee r csupl et ua rkaelr si daennd- tity” (p. 27). Tamazight, Tifnagh, and Language Policy TMhoeh aems tma baldi s htmh ee nVt I o, f t hI Re C Ai nMc l ubsyi o nK i nogf “2S0t1a1n d a rMdoAr omc ac az ing h ” Cloa nn sgtui taugtei oinn,t o tt hh ee

6 • Preserving Amazigh Ethnic Identity in the Rif Channels 2023 Tifinagh script, and the 2003 introduction of language into et hdeu coartai ol nnaal t puor el i coi ef s Thaamv ae zai gl lh ti .mOpna cet eodf IsRc rCi Ap tM ’ sf opr r i ma a rsyt aj no db as rwd iazse dt o cAhmo oa zs ieg ha lcaonmg bu iangee a l wl thhi ec hd i awl eoc ut sl d o f sTuapmp ao zs iegdhl ty. “thTiisfinagh” was chosen as the script for de-dialectalized version of TT ai fmi naazgihg hi st bayn aa ndci vi ei snito ns cwr i pi tth irne lIaRt eCdA Mt o. tdhi sec oavnecri ee dn ti nL Ni boyratnh As yf rsitceam( S oo uf l wa i mr i tai nn gi , 2c o0n1t6e)s. t eTdh, ewoi trhi g isnosm eo f s ct hheo l asrcsr i ps at yai nr ge To ti fhi enrasg hs a yi si n go riitg ii ns ael xl yc l uPshi vo ee lnyi cAi amna zai ng dh (pSeooupllaeismoa un ti s i d2e 0o1f9 )M. o r Sooc cmoe a r eB emr bo er er fTrief iqnuaegnht ui ss ec rl os soefl yT i af isnsaogchi a; tfeodr ewx iat mh pt hl ee, wA sriiat itni cg l aonf g uTaugaer eogf, t wh eh iAc mh ai zs i gahn f aAmf riol y- cFua rs roe, nat nl yds pAol gkeerni ai n (NS oi guelra, i Mm aa lni ,i ,B u2 r0k1i9n)a. Sa lopmh ea bsecthdool aerssn no ot tsee etmh atto tbhee a“ Tl i ni f gi nuai sgthi c” v( Ce ahmi c ul es oeft Aa lm. , a2z0i 1g h7 ) c. uI nl t uf ar cet ,i nT aMmoarzoi cgchot iasl p hoafbt ee nt . O wn rtiht tee no t h eurs ihnagn d t, hheo wLe avteirn, M bFa o o t r r i n m o c ia n c a 1 n T 9 a 6 a b r 3 a t , i a s h m t a s r a a n wn d t r , i Att m e a n a z s w i o g e n hl g ls w k a n o b m o o w a u n n t tshhee Tsiifni ngas g, h“ Faol pr htahbee t p. Irno mo noet i os unc ho fs omn yg iddeeenptliyt yr o/o tTehde i nT imf i yn ahgeha rat l p/ hGa lboerty /a nIds g2 r0a0n1d)e. uI rn sfhoor r t ,o ue vr e nc ut lht ou ur eg”h T( Yi fai nc ai ngeh, hTaa smbaezei gnhct h ions eMn oarsotchceo ,o faf i cliiavles cdrei pbta ot ef cTuifrirneangthly’spersists over this decision and relation to Amazigh lKaanbgeul a(g2e0/1i d8e) nctl iat iym( sS ot hu al at i tmh ae nsit, a2n0d1a6r )d. i - zi na t ti ohne osfc hToaoml aszyi gs ht etma nmd ai tys abpe pceoanr at rnicbe- uDteivnigt a l i zt oa t i oAnmeamz iegrhg e s“ d“eavt i ttahl iez aitni ot enr. ”- si ne scttiitount ioofncaol li oz endi a l l ha ni sgt uo ar igees , shti ae trea rpcohl ii ce ys ,, lcaunl tguuraagl ep po ll ai tni cnsi,n ag ndd e tshi gen ‘ss tar nu dc t ue rf feesc tosf, l4i n8 g6u) .i s tKi ca b ef el e (l i2n0g1s ’8” ) (aKragbueels, t2h0a1t 8 ,t hpi s. standardization process discarded sa ou ct hi oel ni nt igcui ti sy t irceal al l tyi n gv at loi da c pt ur ai nl cl ai pnl ge us a goef ps trearci tl ii zc ee d. Hv eer s iaolns o o f wTaar mn sa z itghhatt r itshki ss c b r e e t a w t e in e g n new dimensions of diglossia illiterate and literate Ii mmpa zaicgth e ni l,l i twe rhaitceh wA omual zdi g hp a r twi couml aer lny. Awcacyo rsdt ianngd atrod iKz eadb eTl a(m2 0a 1z i8g)h, t eivse nb e ti nh ge pa r el as ne ng ut eadg ei n osfc hcoooml mi s umnai ckai nt i go ni t, pnuorte l ya mf uer tdhi ue rm tohfe i npsot rt eunc tt iioa ln , fwo rh i cAhmcaozui gl hd devitalization. Tamazight and Social Media II nn t errenceetn t hyaesa r ss,t rtehneg tehxeins et edn c eA moaf zti ghhe ca un l t iunrtaelr mn aot vi oenma el nat us .dTi ehnrcoeu, g iht ahcacse sas l st oo aadnddedbetgoutnhetoprersetvigeerseof tthhee lsaenegmuaingge d2 e0 c0l4i n&e Mo fnToaume ra, z2i g0 h2 t1 s) .pHe ao kf femr sa n( M( 2a0r 0l e6y), wT armi t easz itghhatt tthoe r“ed ii se ”n oi wn lti ht tel e idma mn geedri af ot er

Vol. 8 No. 1 Madeline D. Spaulding • 7 f u u s t i u n r g e . t h A e m ir a s z o ig c h ia l y n o e u t t w hs o rk h s a v t e o r b e e v g i u v n e Ae tmaal z. , i g2h0 1c 7u l t&u rMe naonude rl a, n2g0u2a1g)e. (DCeasmp iut es tlahneguinacgree/acsuinltgurreole of the Internet in preservation p“ trhaec tsipc eo sk, eCna ml a nu gs ueat gael . r( e2m0 1a 7i n) swt rhiet emt ho as tt cMoannsyp i c usoc uh so l ai dr se n t iitnyt emr easrtkeedr ” (i np . 3t6h)e. Iomf aczui gl thuerna la r ei nnf oorwmaabt iloe nt o of inn d Aa mwaezailgt hh wA me basziitgehs ,we sepbes ci tieasl l ayrbeewc ar ui tst ee nmi on sEt nogf ltihs he oc or m pFlri ec antciho.n s D eosf p i tteh e s opma set osfe v etrhael dt heacta, di ens ,t hi te rfeamc ea ionfs caonn qi mu eprri ne sgs invaet ifoenast and dominant world languages, TS aadmi qa iz (i g2h0t0 7h)aws r ictoe ns ttihnautetdh e tsou r pv ei vras li sotf. Td ea vmeal oz pi gmh te ni st “ aonf e lxacnegput iaogne st 'o' t h( pe . u s2u7a) l. A( 2l o0n0g7 ) iwn si itsht s tohtahteTr a ms cahz ioglha tr’ss, s uSravdi vi qa il iwsoomweend. first and foremost to Amazigh Amazigh Women Wm ahri gl ei noaf lt iezna trieofne r r eadn dt o a ds itshcer ivmi ci nt iamt iso onf, mA mu cahz i gohf c uwr or emnet nl i t ehraavt eu r ep laagyreede,s tahnadt cpor enst ienruvei n gt o Bpel aryb,e ra sciug nl tiuf ircea n ta nrdo l et hi ne A2 0m1a7z; i gGha lgal ni agrudai ,g e2 0i t2s 0e l; f H( Boef fl ma hasne,n 2e0t 0a6l . ;, L( 2a0g 0h 7s s) awi s r, i t2e0s2t1h, a St at dh ieq if ,a t2e0 o0f7 A) . mSaazdi igqhi hwaosmbeene. nT chlroosue gl yh ot iuetd t ht oe thhi se t of ar tye oof f t iht es Amazigh people, Amazigh women have ba ne edn pqoul ietei cni sa,n lse a(dAei rs ss ,i , s a2i0n1t s9, ) .w Ianr r ifoa rcst ,, Amma tarzi ai gr hc hf aa lm, i lwi ei st hw etrhee o nhceer ictoa ng es i d lei nr eeds mA ma rakzei gdh t wh roomu ge hn ht haev e whoamd e np.o wWe hr fi ul el pr eocsei tni tol ny st h eaymhoanvge b teheeni rm atrrgi bi neasl, i z eudn at isl M lin o g r u o i c s c t a ic n citizens largely because of barriers (Aissi, 2019). Au nmwa izl il gi nhg lwy ,o mh aevne, owchceutphieerd wt hi lel i nr gollye oorf cbue li tnugr aml opnroelsi ne rgvuearl s, i ll lai rt eg real yt e ,baenc ad ul si ve i nogf ipnr e s er ruvrea lc u lat ur er ea st.h r oAumg ha zai gmhu l t iwt uodme eonf wr aai syisn, g icnhci ll ud dr ei nng, s i mn gai kn ign sgo nagrst ,, c aproreyti rnyg, ot hni s t rsatduidt iyo—n ss, p ae na kdi—n gm oTsatmnaoz ti ga hb tl y afnodr preserving oral literature. Amazigh Women, Oral Literature, and the Internet Od ar na lc el si t, e sr taot ur irees , i np cr louvdeersb sm, au ns idc , r si do dn lgess, (pSaardtiicqui,la2r0ly07). Music and song are two significant forms of Awmr i at ezsi g ht hoart a lt hl iet e r“ as ot uurl e .oSf a Ad imq ia z(i2g0h0 7i s) iannddi s ps uo nt agb l y( pe. 2x 9p)r.e sSsaeddi”q ti h r( o2 u0 g0h7 )m aulssioc wr erailtme ss t hoaft otrhael t rwa doint idorno u“ dsr aiwn s ownhtihc he wr ool ems e, np reos vc ai npge ftrhoamt wt hoemi r e nt r a dh iatvi oe n aal kp nr eorwo lgeadt gi vee wohf i cmh e ni s” n( po .t 2a7l w) . a yYsa c ti nh ee (h2a0s 0g1i)v el ink eAwmi saezai gs hs e rwt so mt heant oarna l epsoceatpr ye from traditional roles. She credits poetic

8 • Preserving Amazigh Ethnic Identity in the Rif Channels 2023 eAxmpar ez isgshi own o mwei tnh “ t ht heeo papboirl ittuyn i tt yo t og gi veet o“ aunt oi nf vt ehres ihoonmoef shpi eh rear rec, ”h iwe sh' i' c (hp .c a1u0s5e)s. OA mr aal zl iitgehr a ht uerrei t iasgae l abrugte pa al srot oMf noor ot cocnal ny hp iosst iot sr y t h( Saat d ioqri a, l 2 0l i 0t e7r)a. t uSraed i qi si (d2e0e0p7l y) f“ ei nm itnhien ea. bMs ae cndc oe n oa fl d t(h2e0 2w1r)i twt erni t ews tohradt, Bl aenrgbuearg ewaonmd eont haerre e ltehme e ng ut sa rodf iBa ne rs b eorf cthurltouurgeh”ou(tpara. 14). It seems that centuries of outside coor anlq ulei treorrast ur reec o rf dr oi nmg Atmh ea z img ho uhtihs tso royf, Ai nms iadzeirg hr e cwo rodms eonf t hhea Ism pa zr iegsheer nv e. d t h e Li nacf rkei oa us iin g( 2 0p0r e8s)e npcoei n tosf ol iutte r at hc ay t atnhde ec hl eacrtarcotneirc mo fe dtihae i sAcmhaazniggihn g l atnhgeu oa gr ael. Lt harf ok ui oguhi a( 2s t0u0d8y) oi fl l tuhset rraetceos n tsht ri su ccthi oa nn goef awne bAsmi t ea .z Si ghhe coor an lc lpuodeems t ho ant at hne AI nmt ea rz ni geht iAsmagzeingehrating “new dimensions of orality,” most notably i a n c c c r e e s a s s ib in le g its prestige, making it to the world and raenc oonr at el ,x tl uo ac al ilz, i ni ngt eor raaclt i vl iet ecroant ut er ex t f troo ma 2d0ig0it8a,l, trans-local context (Lafkioui, p. 1). Despite this rneoctoe ns ttehxat tu aolri az al tl ii ot enr, a t uLraef ksi toi ul l i s e (e2m0s0 8t o) ht raavnes mt hiet t si na gm ea ns do c ieoxccuhl at unrgai nl gf u nAcmt i aozni gohf cultural tradition. Amazigh Women, Language Policy, and Literacy AT ai sms ia(z2i g0 h1t9 a) sa sasne rotfsf itchi aalt ltahnegiunac gl uesiino nt hoef 2m0o1n1o l i nC go un as tl i tAumt i oa nz i g hh a ws o aml laonw et od g tahi ne ps toul di tyi c wa l i trhe ctohgenpi toi owne. rSf uh le sct oa tnecml uednets “ ht he er rdeevmi vi sael oof f t htihs e l a nAgmuaazgieg hm ewa no ms etnh’es mo f a trhg ei ni ra l pi zoalti itoi cna il n, sMo oc iraol c ca on da nedc tohneo rmi si ec rAi igshs ti s ”( 2(0A1i s9s)i,, 2S 0a d1 i9q, i p(. 21040)7. )S i bmeilliaerv et do tl ahnagt u tahgee s s taanndd atrhdeiizra tiino cnl u os ifo nA mi na z ti ghhe epdr oupc aotritoi onn astyes twe mi t h wtohue l dp r bo me odt ii or enc tol yf w( 2o0m1 9e )n i na nMdo r oS ac cdoi q. iI n (c2o0n0t r7a)s, t tBo eAc ki sesri (b2e0t w0 6e )e nw rpoot el i t itchaalt tahgee ntdr aad i at inodn a lr ugraapl Amma ragziingahl i z el idf e mtohnaot l i nhgausa l pwa rotmi c ue nl a r liys oo nf e oAfmt haez img ha j o rc ur el tausroen s faonrdt h el as nu gr vu iavgael (aBs seoc ckieart,i o2n0 0o6f) . i Tl l ihtiesr agcayp ha ansd l eAdmt aozti ghhe leannsguurae gde s t hwaitt h mwoonmo lei nn g, u wa l h i cBh e r hb ae sr wl a no mg ueang e sc,o nat inndu e t ht uo s s pperaeks e rAvme a zoirgahl tt rhaed i t iroonl es ( Bo ef c kAe rm, a2z0i g0h6 ) . wI no me sesne n caes, pt rraedsietri ovne ar sl l y obf e eAnmi na tzei gnhs i f iceudl tbuyr eb ehi nags mruornaloalirnegausa. l, illiterate, and living in

Vol. 8 No. 1 Madeline D. Spaulding • 9 Ethnic Identity and Role Af omr ma z iag hc o n“ et et hx nt ui ca l iizdeedn tdi teyf i”n iat inodn b“ raosleed” owno mt heen .A mB ae zc ikgehr p (e 2o 0p 0l e6, ) l a nwgrui taegse , tahnadt ft ehme aa lret i sBtei cr bseyrmabrot il ss t so f c Br eear tbee ra ni dde nwt ei tayr, ws yhmi cbho hl a( Bs emc ak de re, t2h0e0f 6e m) . aS lheebaolds oy iwt srei ltfe as thhaavte cahs a nc og ne dc e, “pwt so mo fe nB’ se ar br tesr h ae vt he nbi ce iet ny tsryamnbs foolrsmteod s y fmr obmo l s ltohcaat l i rzeepdr e seetnhtn iac t2r0a0n6s ,npa.t 2i o) n. La al fBk ei or ub e( r2 0i d0e8n) tti iteys” T( aBrei cf ikt ears, ai d esny tmi tbyo, lwi ch imc ha rskt aenr dtso i nA m“ oapzpi og hs i tgi orno ut po vg ra or iuopu si d eontthi tei er s fl oo rc ai nl s taanndc e …t rtahnes A- l roacba -l I1s1l a3m) . i c iEdcehnot ii nt yg” ( Lsai mf k ii loaur , 2 0s 0e n8 t, ipm. e1 n1 t2s-, WB eeribzet mr a ni d e n(t2i 0t y1 1 )a s d“eafni n e si d e aml o daenrdn, i“ns ec rr ev ae ss i nagsl ya, taasn g iab l emcoovuenmt eernpto” i n tt h taot bs ooct iha l sl itfaet ea- dn od moi pn pa toesdi t i opno ltiot i cIasll a ma ni sdt cI nu rsruemn tms ' a' r( yW, eAimz t amz ai gnh, 2e0t h1n1i, cpi. d1e0n)t. i t y i s bAomthazigsyhmbolized and preserved by women and Amazigh lAamn gauz ai gghe . eMt honr ei c r ei dc ee nn tt il tyy, i th a sa p pbeeaerns swhhi fi tcihn go pt op oas etsr aont shnear t ieotnhanli cmi do ve ne mt i tei enst ,, t “e h e s t e p h e n c p i i c a u l i r l d y p e on A s t e r i a s ty b ” - oI w s f l i a l m l o b p ic e e r d i a d e t e i f o i n n n t e i a t d l i i e z is n a . t t i F o h o n is r , smt ue dmyb ear ss h i“pa ”t t (i tBuedkeesr , r2e0g0a6r )d ianngd g“ rr oo luep” will be measured by the connections b( sept ewcei fei nc a l leyt hwn iocm ei dne) ,n tai tnyd, ITma raizf ii gt .h eI nn ll ii gt ehrta toufr et h ea nI ndt e rt nhee t ’ s2 0i m1 1p a cMt oorno cocraanl Ct oo nb set iat ugtai opni ns pheocwi f i cuarlbl ya,nt, hme ruel t ai l pi npgeuaar ls, epdr eusceartveidnAg m aAzmi gahzwi gohm elna nagr ue acguer r e na tnldy cbuelgtiunrefi.llTinhgisthcaissegasptu. dy will attempt to Methods Participants Aa rl le t h rl ietee rpaat ret, i c i mp aunl tt si l iinngtuhai ls, c aAs emsatzui dg hy wH oocme ei mn awihno Ml i voer oi cnc toh. eTuhreb apna rctiitcyi poafnAt sl ipnsetuhdeosntyumdys wiFllabtiemrae, ferSreadkintoa,by atnhde Tu na kmaamr rai.e d FAa tmi ma zaig ha nwdo mSeank i ni na t haerier tAwmeanztiigehs . wT aokma ma na wi s haon i os l dae rp, rma catri cr ii ne dg speech therapist. Fatima speaks DS paar ni j iashh, . HT ae rr i ffiat ,t hEe nr gsl pi seha, k sF rTeanrci hf i,t aa nn dd hs pe er a kms o tThaerri f i ts, p eFarke sn c hD, a rEi jnaghl .i s hS, a kainnda DT aa kr iaj ma ha. gBroetwh uh pe ri np Ta raerng tusi sstp, we ahki cThairsi fai nt . RA irfa bwi ci -t shp ei task i no gwtno wdni aol enctth eo fe dAg me oafzti ghhe lf ao nr geul eavgeen. Sy he ae r sh anso wl i v. Se hd e i snp Ae al kHs oTcaeriimf i ta, Da nadr i jha he r, Fhr euns bc ha n, adn ds paelaikt t l eT aErni fgi lti sihn. St hh ee hp oa rmt iec.i p Ta thee si en tphei so pcl ae s ewsetrued ya sbkeecda u st oe tmhue yl t i l ianrgeu aAl ,ml iatzeirgaht e ,wl oi vme einn awnh ou r baarne

10 • Preserving Amazigh Ethnic Identity in the Rif Channels 2023 af rri ee an dosf oMf oa rpo ec rc soo; naanl dc obnetcaacut soef tmh ienye a. r e Participant Procedures Ts ahme spel epba er tciac ui ps ae nt thse wy ewr eer ae cc oo nn tvaecnt ise onfc ea fcroi ne ns edn. t Af ol rl mp, awrht iiccihp atnhtesy hr ae dc e itvi me de t oa rbeaar dr i ea rnsd asni gdnt. i Bmeec, aeuascehopf abrot ti chi pl aanngt uwa ga es imn teet hr voide .wFeadt i mwai twh a sa i nstlei gr hv itel yw eddi fof evreernat Ztroaonmscricbaeldl . tShaakt inwa aswarsecionrtderevdiewanedd tvhori oc eu gmh e ma o cs oomv ebri nWa thi oa nt s Aopf p ttehxat ts waenr de tbrya na s pc reirbseodn. a lT ca ok na mt a ac t wi na sM oi nr toecrcvoi ,e ww he do tTraarni fsilta t ei ndt o T aEknagml i as 'hs ar ensdp osnesnets vf rooi cme mT aekma mo sa ’ so vr ee rs p Wo nhs ae tss. AI Rp pB aspupmr omvaarl i zwi na gs oi nbttearivnieedw sf owre rteh ci so npdruocj teecdt . b e f o r e t h e Instruments Used Tc ahsee mset au sduyr ews eursee di nt ot ecrovl il ee wc t dqaut ae si tni ot hn iss. Tf ohr e s setmr ui -cst turruec touf r tehde, qi nu- edset pi ot hn ,s caol lnot we ne td- oDrui fefn’ st e(d2 0 0i n7t)e rsvui eg wg ess, t i omn so.d eAl ecdo n taef tnetr- fwo ictuhs tehde innat rerravti ievwe riesc omn os tsrt u cc toi no cnes r onfe da q pp u a e r r e t s s i o t c i n i o p ’ n s a sn l t i fe d w , e p e s e r o e n d a i d n d a g s i t k o io e n d n h a e l r t f o o an llo sw w e e a -u r c s p h . St hoims es touf dtyh ews pe reec i fmi c oqdueel es tdi o na fst ears kBe edl li’ns (l a2n0g1u4a)g e saut gt igt ue sdtei orness e afrocrh . Bc oe lnl d( u2 c0t0i n7g) proposes that the simplest way to do lpaanrgt iucai pg ea n tast t i t uddi ree crtel ys e a r ac hb o ui st t o t haesikr ltaongDuuafgf e (a2t0t i0t7u)d easn(dp . B2e5l9l ) .( 2In01a d4d) ,ittiohne pforlolocwesesdfor developing this case study the recommendations o( 2u0t l1i n0e) ,ds p ebcyi f i cPa al llyt rci od mg ei n ga tnod t h eP hs taukdi tyi wc aist eh a i qn u eas t i opna/rct ui crui ol asri t y ,c os int ut eaxt ti n, g atnhde mt heemf ibnearl cphaepcekri nwga. sT oa l si nocsree na st et ov aolni dei toyf, tf ihned i npgasr tai cnidp acnotns c, l uws ihoon s aofff i trhmi se ds t utdhye. Bs tercuacut us er e dt h, eisne- dienpt et hr v, i ec ownst ewn te-roer i es ne mt e id- iqnuteesrtvi ioenws s , swo me ree l e aadsiknegd o r tcol a r i feyai nc hg pe va er triyc i pqaunets. t iNo no t oerv ef or yl l oiwn teedr vti he we euxsaecdt order of the questions in the Appendix. Research Design Tprhiemmareiltyhodology for this study arose from Duff’s (2007) spuhgegneosmt i oe nn os l o goi cna l hroews e a rtcoh cwoint hd u cat content-focused interview. This as up cphr oaasc lha fnogcuuasgees , ocnu l“tl ui vr ee d, oerx pe ed rui ceantci eo sn”. Tc uhrerme natt i c lai tnear laytsui rs ew apsrceosne dn ut ecdt e di no n tt hh ee lciot edreadt u ri ne t or e vt hi eew .f oTl l ho ew i nl i gt e rcaat ut ergeo rwi eass: Amrualbt iilzi antgi uo anl, i s mT a r i f(i Ft /rAe nmcahz, i g hM oc ruol tcuc raen, Arabic, Classical Arabic/Modern Standard Arabic), diglossia/power iomrablaitlya/nlcitee,rlaacnyg,uage policy, education, Internet, Amazigh wT hoems ee n /t hr oe ml e ,eps r ews eerrvea t ci ohno,saennd ibdeecnatui tsye.

Vol. 8 No. 1 Madeline D. Spaulding • 11 tj ohue rynrael ps ,e aa nt edd lbyoeomk se rt gheadt iwn etrhee raerat di c lfeosr, tt hh iesr es t iusd vy e. rCyo nl istitdl ee rri ensge at hr ec hr eoanl i tuyr bt haant, mt hui sl t i lsi nt ugduya l , wl i taesr a tdee sAi gmnaezdi g hwwi t ho mtehne, m( 2i0n1d9s)e t odfeaf i nger os u ntdheed tmh ei nodr issett. H aodf l e ya ge nr ot eurnsd e“ ad tphaerot irci sutl aars sao rcei as le aarrcehnear wi n h oa soppiernit otof inatlel llpeocstusiabl ihliutimesiliatys , aonnde sataskyss qc oulel es ct itoi onns ,. ” aTnhde dr east ea a racnha, l ydseissi g on f, dtahtias sotf ucduyr iwo es irtey .a Ul l lat ipmp ar ot ealcyh tehdi swci tahs ea sstpui dr iyt was a project of discovery. Analysis Process Tinhfoeramneadlysis of data for this study was by Grounded Theory Md eef ti nh eo dd obl oyg yG l a(sGeTr M()W, apl kaer rt i c&u l aMr lyyr i caks, 2p 0h a0s6e)s. : sTuhbes t adna tt iav ewa na sd t choedoer de t i ci na l . tTwh oe ss uu bb spthaanstei vs e: ocpoedni ncgo dci on ng s iasnt edd s eol fe c tt wi v oe t uc h o r e b d a in n g c iz . a a t T e t h i g o e o n r d, ie a s t i a d e w n o t a f i s t y o , m p u e w n lt o - i c l m i o n e d g n e u, d a li i a s n n m t d o , omriarlr/olriteedratme anyTaroiffit.the Ththeesemescotdheast el i mt e er ar gt ue rde fionr t rhei sv i es twuidnyg. Tthhee d actuar rwe anst tcha et eng soer li ee cs t iovf efl oy r cmo daendd arrool ue .n Idn t thhee cloarset pc ohdaes se ooff trheev iat anlai zl yast ii os ,n ,t hpe r et hs eerovraettiioc anl, aconndcepdteuvailtiazleizahtioown twheere suubssetadntivtoe acocdoehseswiveerethreeolartye.d in order to produce The purpose of GTM is not to ve xe pr iaf yn da ne xe ixsitsi tni ng g rtehseeoarryc hb uotr r adtehveerl ot po nt oepwi cp(eHr sapdel ecyt i, v2e 0s 1o9n) .a Al ict ct loer-dr ei ns ge atroc ht ehde wm oe rakn so f “Gr loaostseedr ainnd fSi rt rs at huasns ,d“ gervoiudnednecde ”” amnodd e“lt”h et ho ar yt ” f i tms etahnes d“aatna ea xnpdl acnaant obr ye ul anydme er snt o( oHda d lbeyy , 2b 0o t1h9 , apc. a2d6e5m) .i cHs a dalne dy (t h2 e0 1f i 9n )a rl ea mn ai nl ydssi sh, igsr roeuanddeer ds tt hh ae to, rei ve es na ri ne nT oh te pt hr oevoer ni e sb ut ht aatr er ersautlht efrr osmu g Gg eTsMt i oanrse. mn oetr ef ilnydai nn g“ si n. ”t eTghrua st e, dt hsee tf ionfdhi ny pg so tihne tshe iss, cg ae snee r satl ui zdayb l es hooru lcdo nncol ut s ibvee vb iuetwreadt h ae sr ah sy p ao t hceosl el esc it ni ot ne n doef d ot bo sleeravda ttioo nf us r tahnedr research. Findings/Discussion To reiterate, before presenting the rqeuseuslttiso n oifs “twh ihs a t sitsu dt hy e, rtohlee orfe suerabracnh, manudltilTinagruifaitl, liinteraptreesAermvainzgighAwmoamziegnh et ht he nni ca rirdaet ni vtei t yn ai tnu rt eh eo fRtihf ?i ”s cBaescea us tsue doyf, tbheee nf i nc do mi n bg si naendd. Td hi sec rues ss ui ol tns soef ct thi oi sns ht ua dv ye iunndei xc pa teecdt e d ct ho en s t rsui gc tn: iffoi cramn.c“eF o r omf ” wai nl l bu es edde fbi ny e dA mi na zt hi gi sh swt uodmy eans ttho e pmr eesdei ruvme es tt uh dn yi c ai ds e nc ot int yn. e“cRt iool ne ”s i sb edtewf ieneend ient ht nh ii cs identity, Imazighen (specifically wpaopmeren), and Tarifit. This portion of the will walk through the

12 • Preserving Amazigh Ethnic Identity in the Rif Channels 2023 pA amr taizciigpha n( et st h’ nai tct ii tduednet si t yt)o; wt haer idms p ba ec ti nogf ul i trebraanc y l iovni n gt, h em uf ol triml i ns g uoafl i s Amm, a zaing dh cpua lrttui cr iapl a n tesx pi nr et shsi iso snt u duys; et dh e rbeys u l t ti nh ge rAoml eaAz img ha z iegthh wn ioc miedne nptl ai tyy i nwpirtehs etrhvei ns ge ff ournmc tsi o; na nodf Ttahrei f i tc uirnr e nt ht e f oc irtmy s o fa nAdl Hoceima. Amazigh Ethnic Identity T“ aht itsi t us dt ue ds yt o dweaf ri ndes dg reot uh pn i mc ei dmebnet ri tsyh i pa s” (aBt tei tkuedr e, s 2 0t0o 6w)a. r dAs l l Atmh raezei g hw oemt henni’ cs itdheentidtyefwineitrieonpsosiftoivuendandinresceumrbrelendt li idt ee nr at ittuyr ea—s tihnactr e ai ss i, n gAl ym tarzai ng hs n a teitohnnai lc. HA mo wa zeivgehr ,ent hont iacl li dt he nr et iet yp aa rs t oi cpi pp aons ittsi os na wa l tLoa fAkri oa bu , e2t h0 n0 i8c &i d eWn teiitzyt m( Baenc, k2e 0r ,1210) 0. 6F o&r Fl iaktei mwah, abte i nygo uA ma raez.i gLhi ki se awn h“ e. . .ni d eIntsiat yy ‘l Ai kme ai zt i rgehp, ’ r Ie sf ee ne lt sp raoluodn go fh ci sotuorrsye, . aI rf iecehl cf euel tl ul ri ke e, …y aonudaar el oat opfa rott hoef r stohmi negtsh. i Yn og .u” St hhaet a l“spoe ospt rlee s saeldw at hyas t , md ei sstpaikt ee t hues f af ocrt Arabs,” the Imazighen are definitely not AI mr aabz .h i gAh cecno, rt dh ionugg h ttoh e yFkant iomwa t, h esyo amr ee AA mr aabzsi. g” hT, hwe i rl lerael if teyr ttho atthseomms ee lIvme sa zaisg “hwe ne feel themselves to be Arab and Amazigh ri nessiognhat t, ews h wi c hi t hh oCl dasmt uh sa t et ht eapl . ’rse v(a2l0e 1n 7c e) ot hf eAIrma baizci gahnednI ss el aemt hheamv es eilmv epsa. c t e d h o w Ti daeknatmi t ya vt hi eawt esdh eb ei isn gp rAomu da z oi gf h aansd ains tt eo aoc. h iSnhge h ea rl s oc h isl dt rreesns etdo bt he a pt r osuhde oifs, Mt h oe rr oe ci cs anno wa s l iwt tel el l t ao sn Ao mt eanzsi igohn, ba en tdwteheant thhoewI msahzei g h we no ua lndd Aerxapbl as .i nW hwe nh oa s kt ehde I“mA ma zaizgihgehnp e oapr el e, a rSea koinnea o fr et hs ep oonl dd ee sdt, itnhde i g ne na toiuv se st r i bi ne s Ni notrht eh wAofrrl idc.aW eb ewf oe rr ee Ma t ot arcokcecdo ue xs .i”s tLeidk,eaFl saot i mb eaf,oSr ae ktihnea Amraadbes sAur raeb st .oWdhi setni nagsuki es dh wt hhea It mi t amz iegahnesnt of rho emr pa ne rs swoenraeldl y, “ I tt om ebaen s Aa ml oatz ti gohm, e S, at ok i nb ea hI mo na ez isgt h. eI tn’ s! aOnu rh opneoorp lteo abree pna or tt or fe at lhl ye ks tnoopwmn ei nf r tohme bweoi nr lgd , a bpu rt o tuhda tA dmoaezsi ng ’ht wa nodmcaunl ,t ua rned, Ia’ nmd pgrroaut de f ou fl tt ho i sml ay nfgauma igl ye wWhhoi l ek ebpot tthh eS ar ok oi nt as oafnAdmFaaztiigmh ai nmma ed.e” mtraennstinoantiontaol cothnetextImanadzingohtejnust ilnocaal, tAhme ya z ibgoht he t henxipcr ei ds seendt i t yp rri de gea ridnl e st sh eoi rf wk nhoawt tahbeo wu ti dt he er mw. oAr sl dwdi lol ebse osre ed no ,essonmoet oc uf ltthuer ac lo ne xt epmr epsos ri oa nr y sfeoermm st of o fri tA am ma zoi gr he torfaAnms naaztiigohn ae lt,h nd iics tiidnecnt -tfirtoy m. - A r a b v i e w Role of Amazigh Women Cpaorntsicisitpeannttswith the literature, all three either explicitly or

Vol. 8 No. 1 Madeline D. Spaulding • 13 iwmopml iec ni t l yhcaovme maunn i ci ma tpe od r tt ha na tt Armo laez i gi nh AG amgal izairgdhi ,c u l t2u0r2e 0(;B e l aHhosfef mn aent ,a l . , 2 0 1 7 ; 2006; Ls taagthe sds atihs ,a t2 0“2. .1. a, Slaodt i qoi ,f 2t0h0e7 )A. mF aatzi img ha ce ux pl truerses ei sd bhaesre dp roind ew ionm et hne. ” AS hmea zailgs ho qs ouceieent ise s . tAh cact o r do inncge t or uFlaetdi m aA, m“ . .a. tzhi gehy [WA emaarzei g[hi mwpoomr t ea nn ]t ] a. ”r Te avkearmy ai mi mp po lritcai tnl ty. cwoommme nu n ibcya t eedx p l atihnei n g i mh epro r rt aonl ec e a s oaf mp rootuhde ro fi nt hteei ar cAhmi nagz ihgehr i dc he ni l tdi rt ye .nS at ok i nb ea ipnrseisset er vdi nt hga t “ wA mo ma zeing hp l a yaar tvi si ttai cl r o laeni nd cwuol tmuer anl a fhf ierrmi teadg et. .h. ”a t WA mh ial ez i gahl lw ot hmreene at or de asyt, i l l i ti mappopret aa rnst ttoh aAt mua rzbi gahn c ul i lvt iunrge, mi mupl taicl itni nggu aAl i ms ma,z i g ha nfdo r mlsi t eorfa ccyu l t uarrael et hxep r etsrsai od ni t,i ownha il c h r oml ea y itnh attu r nA mi ma pz iagcht preserving Amazigh The Impact of Urbanization on Form and Role Ls oi vmi neg oifn t ha ne turrabdai nt i oanraela c hual tsu ri ma l pfaocrtme ds Ae tmh na izci gi hd ewn toi mt y e. Bn out sheF taot i mp rae saenrdv eS atkhieniar ma pe on et itorny egde nmrue sri ce ,f eorrrael ds ttoor ay st e“lilzi nr ag n, a” nads ft or ar dmi tsi o nt ahlal yt uAs emdatzoi gphr e swe rovme eAnm ahzai gv he cc ur el taut reed. S aa k i ng ea nerxep l at ihnaetd , b“ Tr ohuegwh to mt ehne ct hoemmm aunn i ti dy etnotgi teyt h, ej ur s. tI t bfeecl ta ul iskee iitt’ sg anvoet tmhaadt ep otphuelma r wf e oe lr l drwe ai dl l ey , ssop eict i aalc. t uTahl liys gt heantr e mo f a mn yu s i cA mb eaczai gmhe s eov et rnatds i t i oannadl wF aetdi md ian gesx pul saei n tehda, t “ Tt yhpeey ouf s emdu tsoi c ”w ar ni t de pmoeenmt iso. n eSdi n g“ t eixtt. i l eI zs ”r a na.n” d S“adkai nnac e ”a l saos fBeomt ha l eS af ko irnma s af no dr cFual tt ui mr aal pt or leds emr vea ttiho ant. tphaesisre dpoanr eonrtasl sat on rdi e sg rt oa nt hd epma r ea nb tosu t ht ah de Immeanztiigohneend o f t trha ed ipt iaosnt .a Al l l wt herdedei nwgos m eans iWmhpeonr taasnktetdo iAf mu rabzai gnhl icvui nl t gu ri em. p a c t s t h e pF ar et isme rav ar teisopnoonfdAemd , a “zTi gahmeat zhing ihct i dceunl ttui trye, hp ae so pbl ee emn obvuei dl t ti no trhuer aul rpblaanc eas r seoa swthhee ny lsopsetc ai a llomt oe fa ltsh, odsaenccuelst ,u sr oa nl tghs i, nwg se d( ds oi nmg es ctheelesberathioavnes, rbueraelnvoacfafbeuctlaedry …b)y allthoef ‘omt hoedre cr un l’ t ul irf ee s . a” nAdl l tt hh ee “icnut lrtoudr ua lc tt ihoi nn g os ”f tf oh ramt sF a ttihma at mA emnat zi oi gnhs bwe ionmg e lno s t h aa vr ee tertahdniitci oi dneanl ltyi tuys. eI nd rtuor pa lr epsl aecrevse, AA mm aa zz ii gg hh wt hoemheonu swee. rWe ohfetne naes xkpe de c tief ds ht oe stthaiyn ki ns wp roems eernv i npgl a Ay maanz i g hi m pc uo lrttuarnet, Tr oalkea mi na ewxopml aei nn etdo icta irsr yh ao rudt et rh ins orwo l ef obre Ac amuas ze i, gi nh mo uatns iyd eu r obfa n t haer e ahso, mteh. e yD ensopwi t e wtohriks ct oh atlel eanc ghe ,hTeark ac hmi ladsraeind st ho e bi se s tpi rl lotur dy i nogf

14 • Preserving Amazigh Ethnic Identity in the Rif Channels 2023 tshi deei r, Al imv ianzgi g hi nh earni t a guer .bOa nn t ahree pa o sgiitvi ve es Awmi t ha z iwg hh o mw o mt heeny ac a ng r es ha taerre aAumd ai ezni gche cr eu pl truersee. nSta Ak imn aa zmi gehn ct iuolnt ue rde bi eni nPgo laabnl de taot aAnm aezviegnht c lwo ht heirneg . sFhaet i mw ao rteu t torrasdpi tei oo pn lael imn aTya rni ef ivt ,e irn chlauvdei nmg ef ot r iefi gsnheer sl ,i vwehdo i ns h ea rt huer ar al p ya riena .T a rTiaf ikt atmo ao t hoef fre rI ms a zs ipgeheecnh, bI mu ta zai gl shoe ni n. UAl tri ambai ct e loyr t hFer ernocl eh otfou rnboann- Ae tmh na izci gi hd ewnot imt ye ni s i nn op rl oe snegrevri nc ga rAr mi e da zoi guht pc oumr eml yu nai tmi eisd, sbt u tt hael si ro armu ri da ls t At hme anzoi gnh- Imazighen living in the city. The Impact of Multilingualism on Form and Role As ececmo rsdtion gh a tvoe aF saitmi mi laa,r immuplat icl ti nagsuuarl bi samn lei xv pi nr ge s soi no n :f ol roms ss. Tohf e Af omr amz i go hf Acmu lat zuirgahl cultural expression that mT aurlitfiilti.nWg uhaelni sams kme odsitf ds hi ree ct ht loyui mg hpt abcet isnigs mpruelsteilrivnegual impacts how the Imazighen their culture, Fatima rdeesf pi noi nt edl ey d , i m“pYaecst, s bi ne i npgr e smeur vl tiinl ign gtuhael Au smi nagz i gwho rl adns g iuna goet hbeerc al auns ge uwa gee se nmd our pe og ef tte n f soor gtohtet eonn. ”e s Rt haat ht earr e ti nh aTna msaozl iegl hy so pf teeank i nsgp eTaakr i f iat , Ammi xatzui rgeh wo fo mSepna nnios wh , FF raet inmc ha , t oDl adr imj aeh , t hEant g tl ihseh , l aanngdu a Tg ea rsi fhi te. fheeerlsse l f mi no sits Scpoamn fi sohr t aabnlde h ee rx pf raevsosri int ge wS paayn itsoh caonmd mTua nr ii fci at .t eWihs e na ams ikxet du r he o owf fFoartei mi g an lraensgpuoangdeesdh at hv ea ti mI mp aa cz ti eg dh eTna rwi f ii lt l, op frtoenno u“ .n. . tchei ni tk iint ’ sa nT aAr mi f i at zbi gehc awu saey , t hbeuyt lai kl oe tt ho ef itrhoorsieg iwn oi sr dSsp. a” nWi shhe. nWaes uk seed ah loowt , Df i rasrti jeaxhp lha ianse di mt hpaatc Dt eadr i jTa ha riisf i ta,c tFuaatlilmy aa cToamr i fbi ti n, astoi o tnh e o qf uCe lsat si os inc asl h oAurladb ibc e at nh de oi st hl iekre w… aay l aort oouf nwd o. Sr hd es twh ee nu ss ea i idn, “ATrhaebri ec bT ea cr ai fui ts. eS owl iek edfiodrn e’ tx ahma vpel e t‘hi nafto rwmoartdi o inn’ wA ney tuhsien gatnh aAt ’rsanbei cw wl i ko er dt htaot hs aa sy t ot hda to. ws eiet hmds o ctuhma te ntths ea n dp…r ews eenucsee Aorfa boi ct h. ”eIrt ltahne gluo as sg eosf aTlaorni fgi st ivdoecTa ba ruilfai tr ym, ea sypleecaida ltl oy itnec hcnoinctaelxvtos c awbhuelarrey ims orer equmir eodd.e r n o r DT ae rs ipf ii tt es t i lbl es ienegm smt ou lbt iel i tnhgeupa rl ,e dsopme ai nk ai nngt fuosremi nt ht haet i rS adkaiinl ya ,l iFv ae tsi mt oap, raensde rTv ae ktahme iar Ap emr as oz ingahl l iyd pe rnet si teyr. vWe shAe nm aa sz ki gehd l ha no gwu as hg ee as pneda kci un lgt ut hr ee, l aFnagtui ma gae arne sdpIoansdke ad , l o“t Boyf qk nu oe swt iso nasn ylti hk ei n gi f aIb osue et tthhea t h si sotmo reyo noef RWi fhfei ann aps keeodp lae soi rm i‘ il az rraqnu, ’ e sI t iaosnk, St haekmi n.a” rneos bp eo tnt de er dw, a“ yI pt oe rpsroens ae lrl vy et oh ui nrkl atnhge ur ea gi es twhiat nh t of r ijeuns dt ss p ae na kd afsa mm iul yc h i af s ppoossssi ibbl lee. Music also plays a huge role in our

Vol. 8 No. 1 Madeline D. Spaulding • 15 co uu lrt u rl ae nagnuda gf reo, mb ui tt wien c aan af ul sno mwaasyt !e! r” Tc haikl da mr ean utsoeod mt oatnhyi nl ka nt hg ua ta tgeeasc hwi on ug lydo buer bt oa df of ocru tsh eoi nr d teevaecl ho ipnmg e nh te, rs of isrhset cchhoisl de Tt eaarci hf iitnogn lhye. rT ackhai lmd aT’ sa rpirf ii to roi tvi zeart i oo tnh eorf li amnpgouratgaenst sf oh romw so ft hcaotmTma rui nf i itc ai st i os tni l la na nd ethnic identity, even among mw hual tti l ilna gnug aula gIemsahzei g hweonu. l dWshpeena ka swkiet dh hd ee pr ecnhdiel ddr eonn wo nhee r ed asyh, e Slai vkei nda b us at i dt h ai tt sbhe ec ’aduds ee f iint ’ist eflryo“ms p et ha ke iwr irt ohot thse. ”mTThai rs i fiist annoother indicator that, though Tarifit is longer the only form of communication between Amazigh mn eovtehret rhse l e as sn da n ti mh epi ro r t af anmt if loi er ms , t hi ta t ii ss s( 2t i0l l0 6t i)e adr gtuomeetnhtnmi c a yi doennltyi t by .e Bp aerctki ea rl l’ys tarnude , tmh oa tn ot lhi ne g au sasl ioscmi a t i owni t ho f iAl lmi t ea rzai gc hy wt r ao dmi tei no n si sa nwd ht ahte mh aosd epr nr out es ac tgeed o f otrhael Amazigh language. While mT aurlitfiilti,naglul at hl i sr eme do fo et hs eppoasret iac i pt ha nr et sa tl etfot na o qhui ge hs tl iyo n vt haal ut eTda, r i f iht i igshsl yt i l l csuyrmr ebnotl liyc lsapnegaukai ngge ttohtaht etihr ecyh i lidnrt eennd. t o c o n t i n u e The Impact of Literacy on Form and Role Of the three categories (l imt eurlatci lyi n) ,glui taelrias mc y, s euermbsa nt o hlai vvien gh,a d atnhde gwroema teens tuisme pt oa cpt roens etrhvee Af omr ma zsi gAhmeat hz ingihc ii dmepnatci tty .o fI nl i tt ehri sa ccyo ni st ecxrt e, aotni neg paont eont ht iearl lleavnegluaogfe diigtsloelsfsiabewtwitheeinn thoeralTarainfidt wt hrei tot er anl Tf ao rr imf i t o. Af lTmaor isfti te vwearsy mmeetn wt i oi tnh oaf wh aorrddt ol ipk ree s“ef or vr gee” tf,r oemr a Fs ea,t i mn eag. aFtai vt iem, ao’ sr ng ievgeant i v eS avdi ei wq i ’ so f o(r2a0l i0t y7 )w a sc l saui mr p r i st hi nagt Af rmo ma z i gAhm ao zr ai gl h t r wa doi mt i oenn . i sWi hn es enp aarsakbelde “imHopwactsTarAifmit abzeiginhg caunltuorrea?l ” lanFgautiamgea responded, Isto mi me tphai cntgs i si n n oa t nwergiat tt ei vne t hweany . i t ’Isf lai gkaei n“, wl i hk oe ywo ui l lu skee eopt h ei tr? l”a nBgeucaaguesse, bs oemc aeutshei n gi t ' sa n de a stiheer n t oy o ue x pdroens’st wy eoarrds s iat n’ sd fiof rI gdootnt e’ tnu, sseoi t iitn il mi k pe af icvt es ul i ks …e imt ’ sy edraads itnhge aw ol ortd so ft hoat th emr y… dj uasdt kHneokwnso wa nsd mt hoer ewwo irtdhs tti hmaet . II knnaomwe. tnhaempelsa ti te i ni naaddi fiffef er er ennt twwa ya .y a n d h e Ft oa t ihma av ’es, nieng aht ei vre mv i ei nwd ,o fs eopr aalri at yt esde etmh es At hme a zoirgahl wf oo rmma n of rf o mT aar ni fyi t o wt hnaet r sShaidpi oq fi (p2r 0o 0f o7u)n dc al yl l se vdiedeepnlty i fne mt hi nei npeh. rTa hs ei s “iIsf si to? m” Ae ct hc oi nr gd ii ns gn ot ot wF arti itmt ean, …n owthnoe wc ei sl lska er iel py Ao fmTaazri igf hi t wo roaml i teyn . wFi at ht i mwao’ ms de ni s scoocui ladt i ob ne