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CEDARVI LLE UNIVERS I TY BRAND MESSAG I NG - SPR I NG 2022 UNDERGRADUATE UNDERGRADUATE BRAND PILLAR STATEMENTS LEADING WITH A BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW Scripture is the foundation for every academic discipline. You aren’t just learning skills and gaining knowledge, you’re challenged to live for Christ. ACADEMIC PROGRAMS THAT ARE EXCELLENT AND SUPPORTIVE Classes are challenging and equip you to think critically and prepare for a successful career. VIBRANT CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY JOYFULLY LIVING FOR GOD’S GLORY Mentorship and discipleship coupled with a fun and vibrant student life create an environment that fosters spiritual growth, forges lifelong friendships, and celebrates being a community of believers. PROOF POINTS: - Every undergraduate degree includes a Bible minor - Students learn to view each subject through the lens of Scripture and are encouraged to use their vocation to honor Christ and share the Gospel PROOF POINTS: - Award winning faculty at all levels of instruction - Students graduate job-ready, as evidenced by higher than normal placement rates and licensing exams PROOF POINTS: - Students build deep, meaningful relations with professors - Students join discipleship groups where they grow through Bible study, prayer, and mentoring relationships - Students have fun and build relationships as they participate in regular campus activities like intramural sports, ALT nights, and Elliv EVERY DAY MATTERS Each one of the 1000 days you spend here has meaning. Days that will define your faith, inform your career decisions, teach you who you are, and allow you to boldly grow into the person God has created you to be. UNDERGRADUATE STATEMENT BRAND TONE INSPIRATIONAL / SUPPORTIVE / PURPOSEFUL / BOLD UNIVERSITY BRAND POSITION Cedarville University offers a transformative educational experience grounded in the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ so that students live their life intentionally, excelling in their vocation, serving their family and church, and making an impact for Christ in all they do.