2014-15 Undergraduate Academic Catalog - page 245

HIST-4300 Great Books in History and Politics
3 hours
This course will require the student to read a single classic
work of history and political thought (or a limited number of related
works) and with other students, to closely and critically analyze
the argument of the work. Crosslisted as POLS, INTL, PUAD, or
HIST. Prerequisite: GSS-1100 Politics and American Culture (odd
HIST-4440 Special Topics-History
1–3 hours
Investigation of specific topics in social science and history that
have intrinsic worth and engage student interest.
HIST-4620 Church and State in America
3 hours
This course examines the historical, political, theoretical, and
legal relationship between church and state in America. Particular
attention will be paid to the American founding and changing
perceptions of church and state over time. (odd years)
HIST-4700 Research in American History
3 hours
HIST-4710 Research in European History
3 hours
HIST-4720 Research in Asian History
3 hours
All majors are required to take either HIST-4700, HIST-4710,
or HIST-4720. Each student will prepare a formal monograph.
Prerequisite: major or minor in history. (Fee: $100)
1–3 hours
Independent Study in History
Provides the means whereby gifted and interested students
may explore, in a more in-depth and intensive manner, general
information acquired in the major courses. Further, independent
study provides a logical way to complete required hours not
obtained in normal sequencing. Prerequisite: permission of the
Music History (HLMU)
2 hours
Jazz History: Music of the Multi-Culture
Survey of jazz as an American art form, as a representative
of both Western and non-Western practices, that now make up
our American multi-culture, and as the primary vehicle for the
realization of improvisation within that multi-culture. Acquaints
the student of music with jazz styles and the major figures in jazz
history and assists in the discovery of jazz influence upon all other
American music, both classical and popular. Prerequisites: THMU-
1220 Music Theory II; THMU-1320 Aural Skills II. (even years)
HLMU-2310 Introduction to Music Literature
3 hours
Study of music by genre and chronology. Focuses on art
traditions in music. Students become familiar with a wide variety
of music literature and learn to listen analytically. Serves as the
introductory music history course for sophomore music majors.
HLMU-3130 Opera and Oratorio literature
3 hours
Survey of opera and oratorio literature from Monteverdi’s Orfeo
and Carissimi’s Jephte to works of the 21st centry. Analysis of
scores will be complemented by recordings, live performance,
libretti studies, and historical background. Crosslisted with CLMU.
HLMU-3310 Music History I
3 hours
Study of the music of Western civilization traced from its
primitive sources and giving special attention to Medieval,
Renaissance, and Baroque music as demonstrated through the
vocal and instrumental music of composers from each period.
Prerequisites: HLMU-2310 Introduction to Music Literature;
THMU-2210 Music Theory III; permission of instructor.
HLMU-3320 Music History II
3 hours
Study of the music of Western civilization traced from 1750 to
the present time, giving special attention to classical, romantic,
20th Century, and contemporary music as demonstrated through
the vocal and instrumental music of composers from each period.
Prerequisites: HLMU-2310 Introduction to Music Literature;
THMU-2210 Music Theory III; permission of instructor.
HLMU-3400 Global Music
3 hours
A socio-anthropological approach to the study of the world’s
music. Surveying music of cultures of Africa, the Americas, and
Asia as well as European folk music. Music traditions are studied
from a perspective that emphasizes music as an integral part of
society and culture, helping students discover the influence of
culture on music, and the subsequent role of music within the
culture. (Fee: $50) (odd years)
HLMU-3410 Traditional Irish Music
2 hours
This course introduces students to the practice of traditional
Irish music through study of primary tune forms, experience of
the social context of Irish music-making, and acquaintance with
leading performers within the tradition. The class culminates in
an Irish music festival held at a local coffee shop. Crosslisted with
CLMU-3410 Traditional Irish Music. Prerequisite: permission of
instructor. (Fee: $30)
HLMU-3420 Music of the Church
3 hours
An in-depth review of the past, present, and future of music in
the church and its use in worship. The course provides tools that
students can use to evaluate the quality and usefulness of various
musical styles within the context of different worship traditions.
(odd years)
HLMU-4110 Choral Literature
3 hours
An historical overview of choral music from 1400 to the present.
Attention is given to primary genres of choral composition: motet,
madrigal, mass, anthem, oratorio, passion, cantata, and orchestral
works with choir. This course will serve as an elective for majors
in choral music education, church music, vocal performance, and
composition. (even years)
HLMU-4990 Independent Study in Music History 1–3 hours
Independent and intensive study in a particular area of music
history for individual students who demonstrate special interests
and abilities. Prerequisites: HLMU-3310, 3320 Music History I and
HLMU-4980 Special Topics — Music History
–Fa, Sp
1–3 hours
Study of selected topics in music. Prerequisites: HLMU-3310
Music History I and HLMU-3320 Music History II or permission of
Honors (HON)
Freshman Humanities Sequence: HON-1010,1020
The Making of the Modern Mind
10 hours
HON-1010 The Classical and Medieval Ages
5 hours
Explores those historical, religious, philosophical, and artistic
beginnings that have shaped the modern mind or what some are
now calling the “postmodern” mind. The story begins, naturally
enough, at the beginning, in the mind of God and continues
through the development of classical Greek and Roman
culture. Concludes with a study of the rise of Christianity and its
dominance of Western culture in the Middle Ages.
5 hours
Renaissance, Reformation, and Revolutions
Explores the changing balance of power in Western culture:
from church to state, from faith to reason, from religion to science,
and from piety to humanism. Traces out the implications of
these shifts for cultural expressions and revolutions in the arts,
religion, science, and philosophy and culminates in a study of late
twentieth century postmodernism.
Honors Seminars
(Seminar offerings vary from year to year.)
HON-3040 Gender, Politics, and Communication 2 hours
Study of the places in which American women have found
themselves since 1860, the expectations made upon them, and
the influences they have had upon American society.
Course Descriptions
HLMU-3400 – HON-3230
2014–15 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Course Descriptions
HIST-4300 – HON-3040
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