3 hours
Biblical Care, Discipleship, and Counseling
This course introduces the principles, techniques, approaches,
and tools used in the ministry of care, discipleship, and
counseling. Biblical, theological, and ethical concerns in the
ministry of soul care are discussed, and an overview of common
counseling concerns is presented. It also considers various
contemporary approaches to counseling and care in the church.
These may include professional counseling programs, recovery
ministries, discipleship care, and leadership of lay counseling
ministries, among many others. The course format includes
lecture, video, role play, and discussion.
BTAT-3410 Discipleship
–Fa, Sp
3 hours
Study of personal discipleship within a biblical framework,
utilizing a variety of resources and practical experience. The
model developed will be applicable in multiple contexts. (Fee: $20)
BTAT-3420 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry
2 hours
This course provides broad overview of pastoral duties including
presiding over weddings, funerals, and church services. In
addition, such issues as the pastoral call, candidating, ordination,
leadership, and family issues are also addressed.
BTAT-3430 Ministerial Counseling
3 hours
Building upon a biblical and theological foundation for
biblical care, discipleship, and counseling, this course provides
intermediate and advanced principles and practices of ministerial
counseling. It provides an overview of the history, methods, and
role of counseling within a modern ministry context. A biblical
approach to common counseling problems involving both sin
and suffering is addressed within Christian ministry (crisis,
abuse, depression, addiction, etc.). It also discusses the role of
counseling in encouraging and cultivating spiritual growth through
discipleship relationships, including premarital counseling and
providing biblical life wisdom.
Prerequisite: BTAT-3400 Biblical
Care, Discipleship, and Counseling or permission of instructor.
BTAT-3450 Contemporary World Missions
3 hours
Study of the development, methods, and problems of Christian
missions since World War II. (Fee $50)
BTAT-3470 Cross-Cultural Ministry
3 hours
Understanding culture, basic methods in researching
culture, becoming competent in another culture, cross-culture
communication, relevant to a mission ministry, and the practice of
ministry contextualization. (Fee: $130)
BTAT-3480 Women’s Communication for Ministry
3 hours
A course designed to help women refine communication
skills that will help them to articulate their beliefs effectively and
further develop communication platforms in the areas of giving
a testimony, leading a discussion, and expositing Scripture for
various age groups.
Prerequisite: BTGE-1720 Spiritual Formation.
BTAT-3500 Text-Driven Preaching 1
3 hours
Introductory course on the nature of preparing and delivering
sermons shaped by Scripture’s textual meaning. Emphasis is
placed on moving from textual interpretation to skilled delivery to
a contemporary audience.
Prerequisites: BTGE- 1720 Spiritual
Formation; BTGE- 2730 Old Testament Literature; BTGE-2740
New Testament Literature; or permission of the instructor.
BTAT-3510 Introduction to Urban Ministry
3 hours
An introduction to the principles and practices of urban ministry.
Focus will be on developing a biblical view of the city as well
as understanding the sociological, anthropological, and multi-
cultural distinctives of the urban context. Attention will be given to
particular urban issues such as ministering to the poor, developing
an incarnational lifestyle, and authentic strategies for urban
ministry. (Fee: $75)
BTAT-3730 Theology of Worship
3 hours
This course explores the theology, history, and practice of
Christian worship, with particular attention to how worship
practices both reflect and shape theological commitments. Various
elements of Christian worship will be examined in light of diverse
cultural contexts and theological perspectives with the goal of
enabling the student to plan appropriately and to lead worship in
a particular ministry setting.
Prerequisites: BTGE-1720 Spiritual
Formation; BTGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BTGE-2740 New
Testament Literature.
BTAT-4300 Teaching Ministry of the Church –Fa
3 hours
Course focuses on the practice of expressing biblical and
theological content in written documents and/or teaching
curriculum for various audiences and settings. Attention is given to
the variety of delivery methods for expositional teaching available
within a church’s ministry. (Crosslisted with BTCM)
BTAT-4510 Advanced Urban Ministry
3 hours
Continuation of the earlier Urban Ministry course, including
global urban issues, particular challenges in world-class cities,
sociology of the city, and its implications for mission in the city.
Prerequisite: BTAT-3510 Introduction to Urban Ministry.
(Fee: $75)
BTAT-4560 Text-Driven Preaching 2
3 hours
Advanced course on the nature of preparing and delivering
sermons shaped by Scripture’s textual meaning. Emphasis
is placed on moving from textual interpretation of various
biblical genres to skilled delivery to a contemporary audience.
Prerequisite: BTAT-3500 Text-Driven Preaching 1 or permission of
the instructor.
BTAT-4710 Ministry Internship
–Fa, Sp, Su
2–3 hours
A mentored and evaluated ministry experience under the
direction of a qualified field mentor.
Prerequisites: approval of
the faculty of the School of Biblical and Theological Studies;
senior academic status; BTGE-2730 Old Testament Literature;
BTGE-2740 New Testament Literature; one
history and
elective BTHT-XXXX; one applied theology elective BTAT-XXXX.
Repeatable up to three times
BTAT-4720 Missionary Internship
3–12 hours
Four to six weeks in a crosscultural context gaining experience
in actual missions activity under the supervision of Bible faculty
and a qualified missionary. This program is open to students
in various majors. Capstone course.
Prerequisites: completion
of at least two missions courses; approval of the Bible faculty.
Repeatable up to 12 credit hours.
BTAT-4730 Pastoral Internship
3–12 hours
A mentored and evaluated local church ministry experience
under the direction of qualified pastoral staff. This is an opportunity
to utilize and develop knowledge and skills from courses in a
ministry context appropriate for student’s interest and preparation.
Capstone course. Repeatable to 12 hours.
Prerequisite: approval
of the faculty of the School of Biblical and Theological Studies,
senior academic status, completion of the following courses
BTAT-3420 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry; BTAT-3430 Ministerial
Counseling; BTAT-3500 Text-Driven Preaching 1; BTAT-4560 Text-
Driven Preaching 2.
1–3 hours
Independent Study in Applied Theology
–Fa, Sp, Su
Students will investigate an area of pastoral ministry or
missions, the latter including mission boards, methods, and places
of service.
BTAT-4950 Men and Women in Leadership
3 hours
A complementary perspective of men and women providing
leadership for the body of Christ within the current cultural milieu.
BTAT-4990 Topics in Applied Theology
–Fa, Sp
1–3 hours
Investigation of special topics in Bible and theology, which
have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. Permission of
instructor required for non-majors.
2015–16 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Course Descriptions
BTAT-3400 – BTAT-4990