2013-14 Graduate and Adult Programs Academic Catalog - page 47

2013–14 Graduate and Adult Programs Academic Catalog
Graduate-Level Course Descriptions
EDU-6200 – MGMT-6710
EDU-6200 Models of Teaching
2 hours
This course provides an overview of several models of teaching.
After studying the theory behind a given model, students will
participate in classroom demonstrations and then practice the
model in micro-teaching or classroom situations.
EDU-6250 Statistical Reasoning in Education
3 hours
This course offers a survey of descriptive and sampling
statistics applied for use in investigation and decision-making
in education. Topics covered include the nature of quantitative
design in educational research, descriptive statistics for univariate
distributions, joint distributions, drawing inferences from statistical
data, and statistical tests for between-subjects and within-subject
EDU-6300 Program and Outcomes Assessment
2 hours
This course studies assessment concepts and procedures in
the K–12 school setting. The course will review competencies
required of teachers for educational assessment of students and
application of assessment procedures in a K–12 program setting.
EDU-6400 Intervention Strategies and Techniques 2 hours
The course will focus on examination of the educational
literature regarding effective teaching practices and behavior
change strategies for students with special educational needs.
It provides an opportunity to explore, design, implement, and
evaluate school-based interventions for students with high-
incidence disabilities.
EDU-6550 Special Topics in Instruction
1–2 hours
This course offers focused instruction and project work on a
current or special topic in instruction, often provided as part of
a school inservice, teachers’ convention, or specially scheduled
course. Students may earn up to 4 credits.
EDU-6700 Technology in Education
2 hours
A variety of resources and instructional websites are used
to allow teacher candidates to take their own next step in the
use of instructional technology. Students develop and present
technology-based instruction reflecting newly-acquired technology
skills. Basic technology skills developed include the creation and
editing of images, audio, and wikis and the use of a web-based
course management system, presentation software, and online
research tools. Students already familiar with these technologies
are required to expand their current skill set and demonstrate their
skills in the delivery of instruction. (Fee: $125)
EDU-7000 School Improvement
2 hours
School improvement is the continuous process of renewal of
the social system, the curriculum, and the staff of the school.
This course is designed to develop the meaning of the concepts,
strategies, and practices involved in improving the school as
a whole. Students will analyze school improvement from both
the short-range and long-range perspective. The course will
address areas such as improving proficiency scores, the learning
environment, and attendance rates. The students will participate
in simulations and discussions designed to analyze school
improvement using data, improvement strategies, and formal
EDU-7200 Research Design
2 hours
This course provides a critical study of research techniques
and reporting methods used in education. Students will design a
research project or thesis, utilizing accepted educational research
EDU-7900 Applied Research Project in Education 2 hours
Students will complete an approved applied research project
designed in conjunction with a faculty advisor and/or an external
mentor. The project must take place in an appropriate educational
setting. The research project will be documented by a multi-media
presentation and written report, which will be suitable for the
EDU-7950 Research Thesis in Education
2 hours
Students develop an organized scientific contribution or
comprehensive analysis of a theory and/or practice in a specific
area of education. Thesis topic must be approved by the graduate
advisor or thesis committee. Credit may be earned over a period
of several semesters
EDU-7965 Continuing Research
0-1 hours
This course provides continuous registration for both Research
Thesis and/or Research Project. Students will be permitted to
register for this course for zero credits in the two terms following
the thesis or project course. Subsequent registrations for this
course will be as a 1 credit hour graduate course. Prerequisites:
Finance (FIN)
FIN-6500 Executive Financial Management
3 hours
This course focuses on the critical financial issues and
decisions facing organizational leaders and business executives.
Key concepts covered in the course iclude analysis of financial
statements, time value of money, cost of capital, working
capital management, and cash flow forecasting. Using these
tools, students will learn to evaluate and determine the value of
organizations and proposed capital projects.
Information Technology Management (ITM)
3 hours
Information Technology for Competitive Advantage
This course examines the role of information technology in
today’s volatile business environment and analyzes its implications
for global competitive advantage. The class will discuss a number
of frameworks and models that currently guide technology
decisions for many large organizations, Students will be expected
to draw on knowledge gained through readings, lectures, and case
studies to understand and evaluate the value of technology in their
own work environments.
Management (MGMT)
3 hours
Legal and Ethical Environment of Business
This course examines individual and corporate character
development, the legal and regulatory environment of business,
and the ethical decision-making dilemmas faced by organizational
leaders from a Christian context. Ethical models and decision-
making approaches will be applied to contemporary business
issues. Key legal terms and scenarios for organizational leaders
will be addressed as well, including employment law, contracts
and negotiations, and organizational structures.
MGMT-6710 Organizational Design and Behavior
3 hours
This course examines the influence of organizational design,
change management and organizational behavior on business
success. The course identifies the strengths, weaknesses, and
situations for organizational structures such as networked, flat,
and matrix. Organizational change, transformation, and leadership
are also addressed.
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