2013–14 Graduate and Adult Programs Academic Catalog
Graduate-Level Course Descriptions
PHAR-7560 – PHAR-7560
PHAR-7560 Non-Patient Care Elective
4 hours
Non-Patient care is a category of electives of the experiential
rotations in the Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE)
sequence. This category of electives provides experiences that
is designed to foster the development of the knowledge, skills,
abilities, attitudes, and values of a pharmacist in institutional care
environments. APPE’s are full-time and are conducted under
pharmacist-preceptors who provide supervision and monitoring.
Advanced experiences emphasize the need for continuity of
care throughout the health care delivery system, including the
availability and sharing of information regarding a patient’s
condition, medications, and other therapies. Students may register
for one to three sections within this category of electives. This
course may be repeated under different sections. Prerequisites: P4
year in good standing.