2013–14 Graduate and Adult Programs Academic Catalog
Adult Programs
Academic Information
Indicates achievement somewhat less than that expected of
most graduate students.
Indicates below average achievement but somewhat more
than minimal meeting of the course requirements.
Indicates below average achievement and a minimally
satisfactory meeting of requirements. This is the lowest grade
for which credit can be earned toward a graduate degree.
Indicates accomplishment that is inferior in quality and is
unsatisfactory from the standpoint of course requirements.
Grades at this level will not be accepted for credit toward a
graduate degree. At the graduate level of study at Cedarville
University there is no provision for grades of “D.”
An “I” signifying “incomplete” is a temporary grade given when
a student is unable to complete the work for a course on time
because of extraordinary circumstances, such as illness,
emergency, or other reasonable cause. This temporary grade
does not influence the student’s grade point average. To be
considered for an incomplete, the student must be passing
the course and have completed the majority of the course
work. An incomplete should not be given merely because
a student fails to complete all the course requirements on
time. The instructor giving the incomplete will establish an
appropriate completion date with the student by using the
Incomplete Contract form which is available from the Office
of the Registrar. This date may extend to the end of the
semester following the one in which the course was taken,
excluding summer. If the work is not completed by the end
of the following semester, excluding summer, the incomplete
will be changed to an “F” and will be calculated as such in the
student’s grade point average.
This notation indicates a “permanent incomplete,” a grade
assigned in special situations by the faculty member with the
approval of the Associate Academic Vice President or Director
of a particular graduate program. This permanent grade
does not influence the student’s grade point average. To
receive a permanent incomplete, the faculty member should
submit the appropriate form to the Academic Vice President
identifying the circumstances warranting this special grade.
If a permanent incomplete is awarded, the grade may not be
changed at a future date. To receive credit for the course, the
student must again register for the course and complete the
course requirements.
The notation “K” signifies credit and accompanies courses
transferred from other colleges or universities. It has no affect
upon cumulative grade point average.
The mark of “CR” means that credit hours have been
earned for a course for which a letter grade was not deemed
appropriate during development of the course. Courses for
which a “CR” is possible must be so designated prior to the
offering of the course. That is, a teacher cannot award a “CR”
in a course in lieu of a grade unless that course has been
administratively declared as having a “CR” option before the
course began. Courses for which a “CR” is awarded do not
count in the computation of the grade point average.
The mark “NC” means that no credit has been earned. Credit
hours for which an “NC” has been earned are not used in the
computation of grade point averages.
The mark “W” is used to indicate that the student withdrew
from the course during the second, third, or fourth week.
The mark “Z” indicates that the student did not complete the
course but did not officially withdraw. A “Z” is treated in the
same manner as the “F” grade when figuring the grade point
Grade Points and Point Averages
Cedarville University uses the four-point system to determine
academic averages. Grade points are awarded as follows:
Grade Points
*Grades of C- to D- are used only for professional practice, and
undergraduate programs.
The grade point average is computed by dividing the total grade
points earned by the total hours attempted. Grades are issued at
the end of each semester. It is the responsibility of each student to
discuss his/her academic achievement with his/her instructor.
Grade Appeal Process
A student who believes that a grade received is incorrectly
recorded, inaccurate, unfairly awarded or based on criteria
different than that applied to other students in the same class may
initiate a grade appeal. The process for grade appeals is available
on the website of the Academic Vice President
using the “Policies” link from that page. Students
may also obtain the same information directly from the office of the
Academic Vice President.
Petitions and Student Complaints
Student complaints about any aspect of a adult program or
requests for exceptions to an academic regulation should first
be discussed with the appropriate faculty member, Director or
Associate Academic Vice President of the program. If those
discussions fail to resolve the complaint a written request must be
initiated by the student and must be submitted to the office of the
Associate Academic Vice President or Director of the program.
Probation and Suspension Policies
Students placed on academic probation or dismissal will be
notified in writing by their academic department.
Academic Progress, Warning, and Suspension
To satisfy the minimum graduation requirements, a student
must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0. The minimum cumulative GPA
needed to maintain good academic standing is also 2.0.
The University recognizes that some students may have
difficulty earning and/or maintaining the minimum cumulative GPA
required for good standing and for graduation. To assist them,
the following academic progress chart outlines the minimum
cumulative GPAs needed according to the credit hours earned.
Academic Progress Chart
Credits Minimum Cumulative Minimum Cumulative
Attempted GPA for Academic
GPA for Academic