2014-15 Graduate and Adult Academic Catalog - page 21

2014–15 Graduate and Adult Programs Academic Catalog
School of Biblical and Theological Studies
Master of Ministry
Jason K. Lee,
Dean, Professor of Theological Studies. Education:
B.A., University of Mobile, 1991; M.Div., New Orleans Baptist
Theological Seminary, 1993; Ph.D., University of Aberdeen
(U.K.),1999. At Cedarville since 2013.
Rob Turner,
Director of the Master of Ministry Program, Associate
Professor of Bible. Education: B.A., Northern Kentucky University,
1995; M.Div., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2000;
Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2011. At
Cedarville since 2012.
Mindy K. May,
Director of Counseling, Adjunct Professor.
Education: B.A., East Texas Baptist University, 2004; M.A.(dual),
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2008; Ph.D.
(candidate), Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2014. At
Cedarville since 2014.
Randall L. McKinion,
Assistant Dean, Associate Professor of Old
Testament. Education: B.S., University of South Alabama, 1998;
M.Div., The Master’s Seminary, 2001; Ph.D., Southeastern Baptist
Theological Seminary, 2006. At Cedarville since 2014.
Michael Parrott
, Assistant Professor of Educational Ministries.
Education: B.S., California Polytechnic State University, 1974;
M.Div., Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, 1981; D.Min.,
Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, 2010. At Cedarville since
Ched Spellman,
Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological
Studies. Education: B.A., Stephen F. Austin State University, 2004;
M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2008; Ph.D.,
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2012. At Cedarville
since 2013.
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