2014-15 Graduate and Adult Academic Catalog - page 59

2014–15 Graduate and Adult Programs Academic Catalog
Graduate-Level Course Descriptions
PHAR-7331 – PHAR-7353
PHAR-7331 Industrial Pharmacy
2 hours
This course will discuss fundamental principles of Good
Manufacturing Practice (GMP) in the pharmaceutical industry.
The course will introduce the GMP principles and approaches
for active pharmaceutical ingredients, excipients and finished
pharmaceuticals that are applicable in day-to-day operations
of the industry. In addition, the course will also study the
history, the science, and the laws behind GMP that ensure
high-quality operation and maintenance of a pharmaceutical
industry. Prerequisites: good standing in P1 and P2 year in
the School of Pharmacy; PHAR-6130 Medicinal Biochemistry;
PHAR-6131 Pharmaceutical Sciences I; PHAR-6132
Pharmaceutical Sciences II; PHAR-6134 Pharmacokinetics and
PHAR-7332 Perinatal Pharmacology
2 hours
This course uses an in-depth discussion of recent research on
controversial or cutting-edge topics in perinatal pharmacology. The
course discussions will equip the students with critical thinking
skills necessary to articulate the pharmacological basis for treating
the pregnant women and their babies during prenatal, neonatal,
and postnatal stages of development by applying the basic
concepts in developmental biology and neonatology. Prerequisite;
completion of the P1 and P2 year of the School of Pharmacy or
by approval of the instructor.
PHAR-7342 Law and Legal Affairs
3 hours
This course will introduce students to the U.S. legal system,
and specifically the systems by which laws and rules related to
the practice of pharmacy are created/promulgated, including
the bodies of regulators responsible for such activities (e.g.,
federal and state legislatures, state boards of pharmacy, DEA,
FDA). The course will subsequently focus on the laws and rules
governing the practice of pharmacy in the state of Ohio as a guide
to understanding the same across the nation. Case law will be
used to demonstrate the tensions and limitations of current laws
and rules in the context of contemporary practice, particularly
considering ethical dilemmas in pharmacy practice. Prerequisites:
P3 in good standing in the School of Pharmacy; PHAR-6110
Introduction to Pharmacy Practice; PHAR-6112 Introduction
to Self Care; PHAR-6121 Pharmacy Practice Lab I; PHAR-
6122 Pharmacy Practice Lab II; PHAR-6150 Drug Information
and Informatics; PHAR-6171 Introductory Pharmacy Practice
Experience I: PHAR-6172 Introductory Pharmacy Practice
Experience II; PHAR-6273 Introductory Pharmacy Practice
Experience III; PHAR-6274 Introductory Pharmacy Practice
Experience IV.
PHAR-7346 Bioethics
3 hours
This course will explore the philosophical and theological
foundations for professional, biomedical, and clinical ethics. Using
case studies on different issues like contraception, abortion,
euthanasia, personhood, and research ethics, this course will
discuss and analyze them from different worldviews and contrast
them with a biblical worldview. Prerequisites: good standing
in P2 year in the School of Pharmacy; PHAR-6130 Medicinal
Biochemistry; PHAR-6131 Pharmaceutical Sciences I; PHAR-
6132 Pharmaceutical Sciences II; PHAR-6134 Pharmacokinetics
and Biopharmaceutics; PHAR-6250 Applied Biomedical
Sciences Module.
PHAR-7348 Research Seminar
2 hours
This research seminar course will discuss topics of current
interest in foundational sciences, professional practice, and social
and administrative sciences. The course content will consist of
paper discussions, invited lectures, student presentations and
short written assignments. Student presentations will be based
on original research conducted during the first two years of the
professional pharmacy program under the guidance of a faculty
advisor. Prerequisites: completion of P1 and P2 year of the
School of Pharmacy or by approval of the instructor.
PHAR-7351 Neurology and Psychiatry Module
5 hours
This course prepares the student to manage therapy of
patients with conditions or diseases affecting the neurologic
system and psychiatric disorders. The course focuses on the
application of principles through a mixture of team-based
learning in small group settings, simulation and demonstration
labs, and expert consultations in a team-taught, multidisciplinary
environment. The course vertically integrates pharmacology,
medicinal chemistry, pharmacokinetics, anatomy, physiology
and pathophysiology, therapeutics, patient assessment,
epidemiology, and administrative and psychosocial-behavioral
issues involved in patient care. Over-the-counter, prescription,
herbal and nontraditional therapies, and non-drug therapies are
specifically included. Prerequisites: PHAR-6111 Research Design
and Methodology; PHAR-6130 Medicinal Biochemistry; PHAR-
6131 Pharmaceutical Sciences I; PHAR-6132 Pharmaceutical
Sciences II; PHAR-6133 Genetics and Pharmacogenomics;
PHAR-6134 Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics; PHAR-
6150 Drug Information and Informatics.
PHAR-7352 Oncology and Palliative Care Module
5 hours
This course prepares the student to manage therapy of patients
with oncologic conditions or diseases and /or palliative care
issues. The course focuses on the application of principles through
a mixture of problem-based learning in small group settings,
simulation and demonstration labs, and expert consultations in a
team-taught, multidisciplinary environment. The course vertically
integrates pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacokinetics,
anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology, therapeutics, patient
assessment, epidemiology, and administrative and psychosocial-
behavioral issues involved in patient care. Over-the-counter,
prescription, herbal and nontraditional therapies, and non-drug
therapies are specifically included. Prerequisites: PHAR-6111
Research Design and Methodology; PHAR-6130 Medicinal
Biochemistry; PHAR-6131 Pharmaceutical Sciences I; PHAR-
6132 Pharmaceutical Sciences II; PHAR-6133 Genetics and
Pharmacogenomics; PHAR-6134 Pharmacokinetics and
Biopharmaceutics; PHAR-6150 Drug Information and Informatics.
PHAR-7353 Leadership and Business
3 hours
This course will focus on developing the knowledge and
skills necessary to successfully manage the business of
pharmacy in various models/settings (e.g., privately owned
and chain community pharmacies; hospitals/health systems),
including entrepreneurship, business planning, human resource
management (including employee candidate interviews),
pharmacy operations, product/service pricing and reimbursement
and business marketing. Further, models of leadership will be
reviewed and related skills will be cultivated. Prerequisites:
P3 in good standing in the School of Pharmacy; PHAR-6110
Introduction to Pharmacy Practice; PHAR-6112 Introduction
to Self Care; PHAR-6121 Pharmacy Practice Lab I; PHAR-
6122 Pharmacy Practice Lab II; PHAR-6150 Drug Information
and Informatics; PHAR-6171 Introductory Pharmacy Practice
Experience I: PHAR-6172 Introductory Pharmacy Practice
Experience II; PHAR-6273 Introductory Pharmacy Practice
Experience III; PHAR-6274 Introductory Pharmacy Practice
Experience IV.
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